Outdoor Medical Garden 9 plants Mr. Nice strain w/ PIX check in everyweek 4 new pix

cuz last sunday i sat down for a good look thru before my surgery last monday cuz i wouldnt be able to get out and examine that often and i saw like pods growin and was like wtf these male!? but then i pulled one off and openned it was just a fleaf developing so i figured it was growing. but now that i just went out and took pix looked a lil closer it has white pistles already and doesnt look the same to me, i know im a newbie but im concerned now. idk its the clones the clinic sold me were from a flowering mother plant and now they have to revert bak into veg cycle but thats gonna fuk shit up and shock them hard... i mean theyve been out in cali sun for a month now and gettin decent sunlight. maybe cuz i move them aroudn theyre tripping?
Well, ya answered yer own problem there! YA did wat I did w/my seedlings and put them outside too soon. They ARE flowering. Ride it out, unless ya can get them inside under 12/12. But they MIGHT be ok, they WILL veg back, mine have already stopped flowering, and new veg has started.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk! im so mad lol. i gotta go pak a bowl. ill be pissed if the clinic sold me flowering clones thats not cool. ure supposed to only take cuttings while in veg stage. i hope it reverts without much shock. i started early in season so theyll have a long time to recover but still not wat i wanted to hear or see yaknow. i also am wondering if its cuz halfway thru the day i have to move the containers to the side of the house (my mom makes me since she runs a biz outta the house from 2pm-6pm and cant have peeps lookin out bak and b like hey thats weed plants... etc)
so maybe thats the reason too? i mean they get at least 7-8 hours of sunlight a day and i was told outdoors 5 hours was needed minimum from shade. so am i accidedntly force flowering these babies by putting them in the shade on the side at 2pm mon-fri?
I think you started pretty early, too. I'm in northern cal and know you get a lot more sun in socal, but I'm not dropping mine for another week or so. I'll take some pictures soon and start a journal so you can follow my monsters :eyesmoke:

Love your security set up, too!
well even tho i got on the ball too early maybe a lil greedy u guys still think ill b ok and theyll revert bak to Veg state or should i go blow more $$ on $20 each for clones...?
pretty sure you can tarp them to block the sun and that would revert them back, but I'm not too sure how long you should do that for every day so if anyone has any experience tarping, hook it up!
well even tho i got on the ball too early maybe a lil greedy u guys still think ill b ok and theyll revert bak to Veg state or should i go blow more $$ on $20 each for clones...?
First of all, ya guys down there get ripped off @ $20 a clone! Secondly, they didnt sell ya flowering clones, YA put em out wen the light stage is still flower. If ya can afford to start over, I'd let those keep goin, off to the side, see how they do, then buy new 1's and do as planned fer yer monsters, or, scrap these, hash em and buy more.
pretty sure you can tarp them to block the sun and that would revert them back, but I'm not too sure how long you should do that for every day so if anyone has any experience tarping, hook it up!
How is restricting the sun going to put them back into veg?!? That is the most ludicrous thing I have heard, and if ya tried, ya would herm them out so bad, it isnt even funny! Remember, plants need MORE light fer veg, not less!
LOL! Yeah man, if I were you, I would start over. Well I did, haha. I had the same problem as you. Got some new seeds and started it over. Plants need about 14 hours of light a day to stay in vegetative state. If you don't want to go and get new clones, load them with nitrogen and hope they'll revert back quick enough. It may take a while though unfortuantely.
How is restricting the sun going to put them back into veg?!? That is the most ludicrous thing I have heard, and if ya tried, ya would herm them out so bad, it isnt even funny! Remember, plants need MORE light fer veg, not less!

Lol, my bad.
I thought that restricting light would revert it back because with more sun they would just continue flowering, right?
How is restricting the sun going to put them back into veg?!? That is the most ludicrous thing I have heard, and if ya tried, ya would herm them out so bad, it isnt even funny! Remember, plants need MORE light fer veg, not less!

I agree with WTHAI. You have a problem when you move your plants and only allow 7-8 hours of sun. Remember the clones came from 18-24 hours of sun and then you throw them into 7-8 hours. That says flower to the plant. I would not try to revert them since it would stress the shit out of them and as stated potentially herm them out. If you can, get some more clones and veg them indoor for 18-24 hrs/day until june then throw them outside. They should get to 2 ft indoor then finish them outside.
i would agree with everyone that said mg is a bad thing. if u want trees you want good soil , roots org. , ffof , subcools homemade supersoil ect. it is my exp. that soil with chem nutes in it have a real problem with drastic ph fluxuations with or without added nutes im also biased aginst tap water for watering. last but not least , token, you deserve better smoke than what mg will give you if you like a fireworks display as the flame comes in contact and a thick chem taste then mg is the route for u...:peace:
ya i figured i was fukd i wanna grow good quality shit not herms or deal with long tterm stress and shock. ill prob just go ahead and go bend over at the clinic again for the $20 clones lol and start over with my legal 6 anyways., i can tkae these bithces to my gfs parents desert house winery and let them fight it out with nature and see if they convert bak or not. lesson learned. i was hoping i wouldnt do a dumb newb move but my theory didnt work with moving them cuz security issues with it being my parents pad and all. idk wat to do kinda bummed out actually but i know wat needs to be done. ive already waited too long and invested way too much to not start over. thanks for the help guys. ill just have to find a good spot and leave them
well now im re amping my whole game. gonna do sum mad research and plant into that planter box the pots were sitting on. just gonna do the legal limit of 6 plants and dig up the whole thing and plant them directly into the soil mix. ill try and find sum fowfarm soil and load it up then get on a good nute plan. im gonna struggle finding another good strain of clones tho. mayeb i wont have to pay so much at the clinic either if i go to a diff one.

so next step guys we gotta fukn start over! as sad as it is im excited to try diff options now that im mnore educated and i welcome ALL advice for soil options. plz refer me where i can buy good quality organic soil and wat nutes to buy. $$ isnt an issue its about quality for me.
lets grow sum mad trees together.

im gonna take these 9 to the desert house and grow em there with minimal care and ill keep u posted with watveer happens to them, this is true science trial and error. so we will see if it reverts or not.

also wat sativa straing u guys rec for outdoor with high yield?
your local hydro store will have what u want ,just let your fingers do the walking, also put them in what ever u want, its my opinion, however, that a 10 gallon tote that u can pick up at dollar general or family dollar is more than adiquit for 8-10-12 ft. monstor:hug:
ya cuz if fox farm 1.5 cu ft bags cost like $30 a bag then im gonna drop a lot of $$ to fill that entire garden box. the planter box is approx 8'x6' width

should i just dig individual holes out or the entire thing?
30$ seems steep! in tenn its 22$ for 1.5sq and we have the highest sales tax in the nation at 9.75% , no state income tax, you can price happy frog, but shop around and ask if u can get a bulk discount. in the ground or above its a matter of prefrence ,in the ground will reduce chances of heat stress the earth stays cool, in a manner of speaking , and will give some protection aginst 95degree days so will some shade in the hottest part of day:peace:
You can try the Gardner & Bloom but it is not as good as FF OF according to some. I use my own additives as in my journal. If you dont mind coming south a little I can tell you where a good hydro store is that doesnt charge $30 for 1.5 cuft bags. Thats rediculous!! They also have roots which I prefer but its expensive too since it comes from up north. There is another one closer to you but I have not been in there.
ya cuz if fox farm 1.5 cu ft bags cost like $30 a bag then im gonna drop a lot of $$ to fill that entire garden box. the planter box is approx 8'x6' width

should i just dig individual holes out or the entire thing?
my fellow oc medi grower no longer fear for fox farms are here fox farms ocean forrest and nute trio is all you need to take those sexy baby clones and develop a nice verryyyyyyyyyyyy nice harvest trust from a local oc medi grower i will be postin one of mine soon as i have some nice sfv purple kush seeds it cost but goddamn the smoke is out of this world will be startin up soon in process of moving but anyway ffoc and nutes all you need love at last back to the BONG
its still to early for outdoors, another month or so and it should be allright. If i were you i would keep them going and see what happens before you waist another 120 dollars on clones. You can still learn alot from them before you go buy more clones and than have more problems with them that you could have already learned from these ones by the time these are done, they look like they are about a couple weeks into flower, if i were you, i would buy 3 fixtures of t5 or t8 lights and vegitate them inside before putting them back outside to finish up. That alone would cost you less than buying 6 more clones.