outdoor plans prep


Active Member

I was wondering if this is a good idea?
this is off a lake no one really goes on ever.

and what kinds of soil should i get? Im just worried the roots wont be long enough at first to tap into the water.

if u step in this stuff you sink a foot. so its always going to have water. its really just a floating island.


Well-Known Member
Good to have water, good soil in a bog too but the plant will be overwatered and also the amount of insects you get will more than likely eat it.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you want to get out of it...They will definitely grow there and you will not have to water much, if at all, because of the water there. But, your yield will be greatly reduced. So if you think it's worth it, I say go for it. If your looking to get the greatest possible yield, I say find a dry spot:blsmoke:


New Member
you could do this, but dont put holes in the bottom of your buckets, because yes they would be over watered, so to fix this, put holes in the side of your buckets about half-way up and lower, but not so it will be in the water of the bog, but you will have to go water them, but be careful not to over water them, but can you put some kind of bug net around them? or some kinda of repellent to keep the little bastards away lol.
but out in the bog would be a good place to grow out, not many people go into them lol.


Well-Known Member
i say go for it... one question... is there any other plants growing where u want to grow... cuz if there isn't then i wouldn't think it would be an ideal place to try to grow.


New Member
good point man, also if the is alot of ferns growing out there dont plant there, ferns grow best in darker places, you want more light for your type of plants.


Well-Known Member
Root Rot is one thing to consider. And overwatering. But plant's adapt to the enviroment there put in. They just don't like cold weather i presume............ Make sure you place is also well hidden.



Active Member
k. last question would be. should layers of different kinds of soil be in the bucket. so it can drain or do the plant better?


Well-Known Member
you can mix some ferts in your soil

I dont think you would need ferts in Bog soil, its very very rich in everything as its usually peat thats under them, this stuff used to be used all around the UK and can even be burned as a fuel, it contains alot of pottasium, ammonium and sodium nitrates and other beneficial minerals as it is usually 20%- 40% organic matter, it does not alot of phosphurous so you would have to substitute that.

Its also quite acidic.


Active Member
ive used pots on mushy swamp land like your describing and it worked. a couple holes in the bottom is ok, try and have the buckets sink only a couple inches into the mush. but beware that late in the season it may dry up so you may need to water it more often at this point. and go big for the size of the pots/buckets.


New Member
I dont think you would need ferts in Bog soil, its very very rich in everything as its usually peat thats under them, this stuff used to be used all around the UK and can even be burned as a fuel, it contains alot of potassium, ammonium and sodium nitrates and other beneficial minerals as it is usually 20%- 40% organic matter, it does not alot of phosphorous so you would have to substitute that.

Its also quite acidic.

that will kill your plant lol, it has to much water in the soil, yes it may be good soil for everything else, but ask your self this, if it can be burned as fuel why you want something you smoke in that? and anyways the acid in the soil would kill your plant.