Outdoor SOG Cali-O,Purple Haze,N.L.,AK-47


Starting the Outdoor garden this week with some heavy tilling. AK47 and Purple haze have been outdoors for about three weeks in a raised bed garden box. Will be laying down a Greenhouse soon. Using all organic ferts (Alaskan Fish Emulsion) and a year old compost pile with compost tea every 3rd Day.
I started AK and P.Haze outdoors in the same spot they are growing in and are about 5in tall with 4 nodes each and the purple is about 7in and has 5 nodes. Studies belive that if you start your seed with atleast 4-6 inches for your taproot to settle, it turned up 80/20 female to male ratio. Just make sure the seed you sew outside can grow heavy stalks if you live near a rainy/humid conditions, or feed it High in P for ferts. My land is naturally rich in P.

Seed List:

Purple Hazex1
Californian Orange Budx4
Northern Lightsx4

15% Perlite
10% Vermiculite
25% Compost
15% Mulch
35% Jungle Grow Organic Mix

*Alaskan Fish Emulsion (8-1-1)2tsp/1gallon
*Grandma's Molassas (ESSENTIAL for bacteria breakdown in all composted ferts.2tbl/1gallon
*Compost blend tea (High in N)
*And a few secret ingredients I'm workin on in the Mad Scientist lab..Muhahahaha:shock:... Seriously bra, stop smokin da green so much:joint:

I water with the mix of ferts and water about every week and every 3rd day with compost tea

I will try and post some pics as soon as I get a dry day for the cheap digi. Damn thing fogs up with humidity.


Ak-47 and the Purple Haze is doing great outdoors eventhough the temps dropped into the 30's here in the daytime, just turned the top "baby" node and surrounding leaves a beautiful Bluish/Purple color. Northern Lights is indoor under 3 13w cfl box covored by Mylar walls, and happy to report he Northern lights all 3 of them are beautiful, one has some burn so I put a computer 4'' exhaust fan in there and it seemed to help.
One of the Cali-O's just cracked open in germination so I transplanted into a dixie styrophoam cup...
My female/male ratio since I have been growing these meathods are supprisingly high now. I was averaging 50/50 when planted in less than 4in. Also try and feed the plants estrogen, it actually works for me when going for gold and having a strict female crop. This time I have come down with Degenerative Disk Disease and Spinal Stenosis so I am trying all of the most pain releaving plants and will hope to make a "Super Plant" (Kinda like a Super Band) all the marijuana stars mixed into one.

*Purple Haze - ADD, ADHD, depressive disorder
* Northern Lights - Anxiety, radiculopathy, insomnia
* Cali-O - Nausea
* AK-47 - pain relief, daydream, stress, nausea, depression, insomnia, headache

I am gonna try and cross breed the Nothern LightsxPurple Haze
and Ak-47xCali-O

Again will have pics soon
Any suggestions welcomed!


These are pics of last years raised mulch bed garden. This was a indica/sativa. the past gens parents was white rhinoxafghanxskunk. It proved to be true. these pics were on the 5th day of flowering. it finished in 63 days with heavy white resin all over the new growth fan leaves. Even the bottom leaves became crystalized. It finished with with 16g dry and was white with tones of orange and red hairs. 80/20 bud to leaf ratio. Plant size was under 22in. Plant grew naturally outdoors with compost and cow composted manure. I used compost tea every other day during flowering. Did not need to flush, just stopped watering the last week of flowering and cut and dry/cure 2 1/2 weeks. The buds were really stick(not wet) and the resin crystals just stuck to the finger.It produced alot of keaf just from drying in a box with cheese cloth bottom. It was a heavy hitter and tasted and smelled like lemon heads(candy).



Just layed down a year old composted mulch bed over the Ak-47 and Purple Haze. Its about 3 inches thich and they are laying in a 2 foot raised bed of 15% Perlite 10% Vermiculite, 25% Compost, 15% Mulch, and 35% Jungle Grow Organic Mix. poured 1 gallon of my compost tea today to wash out the acidic rain, the ph is off the roof in our rain. there is alot of lime in the ground and I add epson salts to my soil and compost mixtures, also the molassas helps defend high ph levels I have experienced. A mix of wood ash, newspaper ash (the black and white pages only, no high gloss adds), and a tbl spoon of epson salt mixed into a gallon jug with water. Set the water out overnight 24hrs if you live off city water, personal well water can mix together ammidiately. pour this only twice durring growth(unless litmus test show you still need more). Not enough ph can produce males in my experience. 6-6 1/2ph is perfect for my soil. I also planted some sweet patatoes next to the plants, this will help replenish the nutes lost durring past seasons.


Ok this morning they are looking GREAT. A new set of fan leaves have sprouted over night on the little girls. at 7in tall they are starting to give off a smell. Spring will make them revert to veg again. Only one Ak-47 might be a male, which is pretty good. I will wait till the pollon sacks apear and cut him down and harvest the pollon. When the females all get to about the 2nd week of flowering, coat only the bottom budding branches using a fine tip paint brush and just brush the pollon on the fresh little bud. This will ensure that only the bud you put the pollon on will produce high quality seeds. When done with flowering and it is ready to harvest, do not cut that bud down, chance will be that the bud will be rather small due to the transformation of THC to the seeds in that one bud. Wait untill the bud is dying off (Aprox 12-13 weeks of flower) and now you should have fully mature seeds ready for the next harvest. To ensure that you have a perfect mixture of each strain, this process of harvesting pollon and re-cross pollonate again and agin. About 3 times usually works out for the best and most pure genetic of both parents(Kinda like an aryan marijuana strain). I will try and take pics of this process. I am trying to get a better camera, higher quality. All I have is a camera/phone and the pixils are like 1.5 so the phone is useless.. Smart phone my ass :finger:. No posts yet??? Anyone is welcome to express their ideas or experiences. If not just sit back and watch and read the THChong Grow experience!


Today I checked the outdoor garden.. They are great, One of the indoor Northern Lights passed away today, and the damn Cali-o Would not germinate, I think they passed that 2 year window. They all cracked open and showed the tap root but it crumbled..Errrrg! That's ok though, still have Norther Lights, Ak-47, and the notorious Purple Haze! The cali-o just had the perfect couch lock that I like to go to sleep with, but I think the Northerm Lights should be able to compensate. I will start to try and force flowering on the Ak and purple this week, should have the Digi soon for the pics.. Thats another thing that is pissin in my Corn Flakes right now, but when I do post the pics it should be a beauty. Ok time to hike to Narnia and water the beauties :weed:


This afternoon I checked the Cali-O styrophome cup and one had sprouted even after the tap root had crumbled. It's wonderful to have class A strains and not just bagseed. Today I was smokin from a quater bag and found a BLACK seed.. Does anyone know what this is?.. Anyways the purple has shown sex and they are female with like a ball sticken from the top thats from the fan leaves starting to take off on it and all the fan leaves have white glands all over them:hump: I cant wait to smoke her, even though if they take till summer, they might re-veg, but it's unlikely that they will make it past the end of spring without flowering:weed:


Just put a drip line to all my babies and they are doing GREAT.. Well they are sleeping now so I will report bright and early tomorrow
can you explain what putting in a drip line means. i thought it was the location on the ground below the circumference of the outer leaves, where the smaller roots are and thats where you are supposed to water? plz help me clear this up

Edit: Can't wait to see how your plants turn out. I have spinal stenosis, degenerative disks and spondylosis and want to grow some Ak-47 and Purple haze as well


can you explain what putting in a drip line means. i thought it was the location on the ground below the circumference of the outer leaves, where the smaller roots are and thats where you are supposed to water? plz help me clear this up

Edit: Can't wait to see how your plants turn out. I have spinal stenosis, degenerative disks and spondylosis and want to grow some Ak-47 and Purple haze as well
Yes sure, the drip line is about a quater inch line with a drip nozzel that drips one gallon of water per hour and is connected to a RainBird digital water timer. They usually come in kits and when I hook one up, its hooke to the base of the plant where the stalk comes up. You can water anywhere on the plant as long as just water, nutes are always spread on the base of the plant. You can even Foliar spray the plants if you need too, which means to spray the outer nodes and fan leaves.


can you explain what putting in a drip line means. i thought it was the location on the ground below the circumference of the outer leaves, where the smaller roots are and thats where you are supposed to water? plz help me clear this up

Edit: Can't wait to see how your plants turn out. I have spinal stenosis, degenerative disks and spondylosis and want to grow some Ak-47 and Purple haze as well
Purple and Ak-47 works great for my back and I feel almost no pain thru my day. It is the way to go for peeps like us


The Purple Haze is just taken off. They are only about 8in tall, but they are starting to grow the spiral leaves on the top and they are just crystallized. Because they are so young, and small, they will put one strait bud up the stem, and because of being small, all that THC compacted into one 18in bud.. It makes me salivate! The Ak-47's look beautiful and has almost a pinkish red colour of fan leaves due to the cold....Mmmm...Mmmm...Mmmmmm... We are about to get flooded here and the babies have pencil thick stems due to the high Phosphate in the ground that is natural in our soil, so I think they should all be ok. The mulch is working wonders, along side of the thousands of worms that are continually making castings. Tree ants love the Mulch as well so they will keep thrips and spider mites away which is a blessing. I am telling you it does not take a rocket surgeon..LOL... to grow cannabis, just patients+trial and error=Kindbud


Not really any news other than the smell of the Purple is killing me, It's not gonna be some monster like I had predicted and have grown before, It's almost like the previous Purple that I got seeds from last year got together and fuuucked a Ruderalis midgit plant.. Hey, harder for the eye in the sky, and easier and sooner to smoke the girl. It smells like fuckin cotton candy for some reason, or maybe I'm just really baked smellin it and am dreamin of cotton candy..LOL... Ak-47 is doing like it's supposed to and is exploding in growth and is about 9in in length and has a stem thicker than a pencil. Natural phosphate rocks!. Happy to report the Northern Lights are growing the two main colas from where I topped them..No smell yet, but as soon as I introduce it to natural day and night, the cilaxes will explode with their vaginal smell that will litter the air with the sweeet marijuana purity dank bud smell... Can you tell I am excited. Back in the day I grew Bagseed and their is just something about the strains that the effort you put in to nurturing, she will pay you back with growth and beauty. Will report this weekend when it warms up to the 80's, and the growth will almost explode before my eyes. Side note, I have experienced that playing music in the grow room for some reason sped up the Northern Lights recovery... Sublime if ya need to know LOL


Reporting on the Purple Haze today and she is beginning to turn hairy with female pistols. CRYSTALS EVERYWHERE!!! Ak-47 has opened its second set of 7 fingered fan leaves. Northern lights and the Cali-O are about 7in tall with 6 set of nodes. Crystals forming on all the Northern Lights and its still under 24hr 6 13 watt CFL lights. The estrogen has proven to me that it will cause female maturity at a very early age without being under the conditions of flowering... NONE of the plants are ruderalis strains. NOTE all the seeds are from 3 cross gen parents, so they are very stong in their strain.


I checked on the Purple Haze today and there were female pistols along with Male balls everywhere. Smelled great, hoping the last one left will fem for me real quick. The AK-47 has fully gone female and the fan leaves are littered with crystals and reddish/pink hairs. They are beautiful. The inner nodes are starting to reach outwards. The Northern lights have now been introduced to the natural day and night lights this weekend, hopefully natural day with the CFL nights rotating will really thicken the stems up. I am gonna start feeding them Molasses also so it will inspire larger stem for larger sized buds. God I love Molasses along with Fish Emulsion, when I fully flower I will add Blood and Bone meal. I am drooling thinking about the pain relief that I will get. I do not take pills, they are just so addictive and it fucks my stomach up. I just believe in the all natural Herb. I only like organic because it is a hell of a lot easier to inhale.:blsmoke:


Yea it sucked to find balls on her. Its ok the other Purp is going good and the Northern Lights is outdoors now and the Cali-O has recently been introduced to natural sun. 8 plants in all right now, that's enough for my personal MMJ. My neighbor is getting a MMJ card as well and he might start to grow some. White Widow x Blueberry#3... The mother smelled fresh berry wine and it had the White Widow father. The seeds were nice and fat. If gens are matched it should make a Blue Widow. It scares me the thought of that. They are two most super power pain reliefs I have ever had. Adding 3tsp of molasses per plant. The molasses should start breaking down the enzymes and micro nutes from the fish emulsion and other vitamins and estrogen.The nodes are bushing out on the AK-47. I will let the AK-47 grow another 3-4in and then will top and prune the bottom two nodes and will make a few clones maybe for my next crop, but still remain under 8 plants. I am guessing that the plants will be ready around mid May if my calculations are right.


Oh, and as for pics, I am currently low on funds and my Wife's camera took a crap on vacation last month. So as soon as I can I will. I am gonna try and get a cheap Digi for right now till the Nikon can be fixed.


The Ak-47 is about 1ft tall now. I was planning on topping them in about a week, but considering the fact that they all grew about 1 1/2 inches in one day! Northern Lights went out today, and they are all loving the light. Cali-O is growing tall but is not growing any new fan leaves. I might just have to count it out this grow season. Well I should have more to post tomorrow, Hopefully the baby girls GROW