Outdoor Soil Mix


Active Member
Here is my mix:

1 part soil mix (has all kinds of funky shit like rice hulls and coconut hair and shit - got it at OSH)
2 parts Miracle Grow ORGANIC Potting Soil (this is good shit - NOT normal miracle grow got it at HOME DEPOT...the brownish bag ORGANIC shit)

1 part compost (compost is the answer)
2/3 bag of worm castings (from Wal-Mart - can't go wrong no matter how much you use)
1/4 cup blood meal (porcine - relax)
1/4 cup bone meal (again porcine)
1/2 cup lime (can't possibly go wrong using lime)
1 small bag perlite (actually been using a full bag of the Miracle Grow)

I repeat...this is the shit...


Well-Known Member
what i do is try 3 diff mixes and see what one does the best than keep to that or try add something the next year. i herd bloodand bone works good but makes your bud taste funny i have never used it so i cant say from experience


Well-Known Member
yea...i had a weird experiance with a couple of buds that were gorwn with bonemean and bloodmeal.....they tasted like pepper, dont know if it was the bud or the fert :P


Active Member
I have had "peppery" bud before...

Anyway, may be going hydro in a few months, had to re-start the grow due to males....