Outdoor Soil Mixture? TheChurch/H.Gold advice.

Brick Squad

Active Member
I am preparing for my first guerilla grow when spring rolls around and i am taking the winter to plan everything out before i get started on this. I plan on growing 'The Church' and 'Himalayan Gold' from greenhouse seed co. I did some research and they both seem to be suited for outdoor growth and resistant to problem so i figure they will take it easy on me being a New guerilla grower. n_n

Im Curious about what mixture i should prepare the ground with before putting the plants in the ground. I thought about using worm castings and perlite because the area has a decent amount of clay in it. Also im trying to refrain from making the ridiculous trip to the only hydro store around for Fox Farms soil.
So about what i could get from a local home depot or lowes that would make a decent grow medium for my babies

Any other advice is welcomed



Well-Known Member
if u can get your hands on cow poop/ goat poop/ pig poop/ or donky poop. mix that with the soil an add some leaves, grass, and hay. if you have access to a barn, the hay on the floor (the black stuff under the hay) is awesome 2 grow with. id mix it with w/e soil your planing on plantin in (like natural soil) this way you get your trace + plant food for first 3/4 weeks not 2 mention it will decompose around 3 months time. this will make one HELL of a water holding soil (depends on how much hay u use) which if you cant tend to ur plants daily then will help u out alot.


Well-Known Member
The best i hear is Sub cools super soil! I want to try it But i cant get all the ingredience around here.
check it out in his fourm here.

Do a search for "marijuana outdoor guerilla grow soil recipes"on google there are many.

I use MG moistre control, perilite, Zeba water absorbing polymer gell., humic acid, much the top. Mg nutes.
Be very careful about what kind of organics you use ie. Blood meal, bone meal, guano, etc. as you will find that they trend to attack unwanted pests, skunks raccoons, etc.
I only use chemical additives.


Brick Squad

Active Member
Thank you all very much i will make sure to google that and yeah i want to watch my organics but i think that im going to put up a 2-3 foot tall chicken wire fence to try to keep the mammals out


Well-Known Member
manimals can get crazy..i just hope i dont find deer in my back yard..maybe the one i hit will tell its friends im not playing


Well-Known Member
hay brick, if you grow in a forest or near tall plants. you should pick up some neam oil 2( i think thats spelled right) its dank, i used some last year. it cleared away spider mites in a weeks times (3 uses in week) then one more spray 1 week later.

Brick Squad

Active Member
Yeah that is exactly what im growing around so yeah i will have to pick some up. Where do you get the neam oil?
also how do you find out if you have spider mites? me for example, ill only be going to the plot at night so i doubt the glow in the dark lol
so any ideas on how to see them?


Well-Known Member
spider mites are nasty fkers >.>''. lol they are brown and very small. you can c them with the naked eye but you gotta look hard. they hang out under ur plants leaves. they are usually in groups of 10 or 20 and usually start from the bottom and go up. they will eventually reach the top if not treated, another way to tell is if you c tiny spider webs around your leaves or underneith them. if you wait untill they reach the top then you already lost that plant. might as well cut it out to keep it from spreading. you can also remove leaves if there gettin very bad. they usually go after your weakest smallest plant for some odd reason. so watch out for them. there no good for any1 :,(.

you can usually find neam oil at local plant dispencarys or green houses or nursarys. if you dont have any of thoes localy, you should check in the yellow pages and c if u have a plant specialist shop near your house. if all else fails, order it offline. i live in the middle of bum fk no where so i had 2 order mine offline.


Well-Known Member
Good advice on the spider mites. They suck friend in a apartment had them in his tent. they plants still came out ok i think he treated them i am sure. Hope they dont find me. What about salt on the ground? Like how people prevent snails and such.


Well-Known Member
lol dont throw salt on the ground, that would be the same thing as over fertin them. salt + plants ='s dead plants lol. salt kills any chance of anything green growing on soil. lol acutally a cool trick for snails is put pennies on the base of ur plant all the way around. they dont like the cold feeling that it has ealier in the morning. thats if there outside though.


Active Member
Here's the soil recipe i use for outdoor. i make it up in advance then take it in.
6 parts peat moss(can get at home depot foe 10 bucks for 3 CF)
4 parts compost or worm castings
1 part vercumlite
1 cup of lime
1/8 to 1/4 cup of azomite

mix it up and your ready to go. Simple yet effective.