Outdoor to indoor?

Hi guys, these are my two girls I've been vegging outside from seed since April. Thinking of putting them inside to flower them out. Any advice on what i can do about bugs? I know going outside to in is usually a big no no due to pests and pathogens.
They are very heathy plants and have no obvious pests i think due to the ‘wild’ eco system that is my greenhouse, i have plenty of predators lurking about outside. My main question is: should i go for a neem/essential oil type spray to try to eradicate everything and keep this Up once maybe twice before flowers develop?
Or.. just bring them in ‘bugs n all’ as i have spiders with webs on them standing guard. I will add some ladybirds and possibly other beneficials depending on price and just try to keep it wild inside the growtent. Ive taken a kinda no till approach with the soil in the 5gal fabric pots so would love to try stay organic as possible but at them same time i want these flowers and the place i reside just doesnt get the 12-12 light outside for long enough. thanks for any advice guys!
Please go easy if this is a bad idea im new peace out tokers! Stay high!
Strains are: darkstar and lemon skunk

