Outlaw's Grow Journal


New Member
Cool. :blsmoke: Nice grow.
Love the avatar. :mrgreen:
Ok, Just wanted to add a couple pics I took today....nothing special....but it does exist! lol. The multi plant pic for some reason makes my two clones in the center look yellow. The clones are lite green but looking healthy the rest of them need transplanted but I'm trying to hold off till this weekend/memorial day to see how many I can get out. I'll bury them 1/2 way up the stalk probably. They were all a little stretched to begin with when I planted them, but the stalks are strong now.
The 2nd pic is my last remaining DWC plant...it is filling out nice. Hope it continues. Pic isn't overly good. It's hard to take a good picture with the light pounding down. I'll keep updates coming!


Well-Known Member
You're not worried that planting too far up a more developed plant might not promote rot?
I guess I didn't really think of that especially in an uncontrolled environment outdoors....good point. I have done it in the past with stretched seedlings but not with a more mature plant. On that note, would staking them be a better choice? I imagine it all depends on the soil they are planted in, weather or not rot could occur. Thanks for the thought! Glad to have that pointed out!

Tonight it is suppose to get down to 38.....ouch! hope the ones outside survive the night ok!! yikes! The temps are suppose to be in the 70's tomorrow and near 80 on Sunday when I return home!! yahoo.....I'll get a bunch out for sure Sunday evening!



Well-Known Member
All I can tell you is how I would treat any other plant, especially those similar to this plant. A few similar plants seem to "resent" getting their necks buried. Mulch is a good way to handle a whole bunch of issues. Do you think the plants need staking? (Dammit, wind just blew OFF the back screen door! :x )
I'm letting the wind make mine strong, and I came home to the one I called "The Recliner" (because it grew laying on its side, so to speak) being almost indistinguishable from the others--all of which are in dire need of replanting! I gather many plastic pots.


Well-Known Member
Well, I finially made it home from my out of state trip today.....

To start off, I'd like to know if anybody knows if there is a scientific phobia name for being scared of having wildlife attack you! lol I think I have that phobia! lol

I waited till dark and loaded up and set out with approximately 50 more plants this evening (yesterday evening to be correct since it's after 12am midnight) I planted all 50 plants in corn fields in groups of 5. I used large stand alone trees as references along the field edges. Everything I planted went into the field 36 steps and I also used the hand-held GPS to mark the locations.

Maybe I just still have a fear of the dark in my adult years, but I was constantly paranoid of being attacked by a family of racoons, oposiums, or even deer!lol I constantly heard racoons fighting in the woods, branches cracking,....Run Away!!! Maybe I've seen to many of those "When Animals Attack" shows...lol I really didn't want to be molested by a deer while I was out there (or any other animal for that matter).

All fears aside, I got the plants in the ground in just under 1 1/2 hours...not to bad I don't think. All is well, I only have 50 more plants left to get outside! This next weekend should provide me a finish line with the 1st part of the grow. After that I'll let nature lead the way with minimum intervention from me with the exception of potental topping and maybe a fertilization or two. (That's the plan right now anyway).

On another note...I mixed up a blend of potting soil to see how it works. I used approximately 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 bagged poting soil (w/time release fert.:sad:). I figured the time release fert. was minimal with the mix being thinned out. I would assume it would be safe to use like this. I transplanted my 2 clones and 3 unknown bag-seed plants into the mix to see how it does! I would imagine it is alot better than the time release soil itself.

That's all for now.....I'll keep progress updated for the outdoor operation.



Well-Known Member
There's GOT to be a name for such a phobia. But I wouldn't know who to ask!

Good pepper spray will deter just about any mammal.. but I don't know about badgers or bears. :lol: :|


Well-Known Member
There's GOT to be a name for such a phobia. But I wouldn't know who to ask!

Good pepper spray will deter just about any mammal.. but I don't know about badgers or bears. :lol: :|
Lol!! Yeah, pepper spray would work well if I could see the creatures coming at me in the night! lol. With my luck I would have it pointed towards myself when I sprayed it! That would leave me rolling around outside on the ground in the middle of the woods or field in agonizing pain holding my face while all the woodland creatues gnawed on my legs I'm sure! Now, if I survived the brutal attack of natures creatures, an regained the use of my legs,....I would probably be completely covered in poison ivy! Ok, pepper spray is not going to work for me.....lol....Lets move on to the Taser option......lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lol!! Yeah, pepper spray would work well if I could see the creatures coming at me in the night! lol. With my luck I would have it pointed towards myself when I sprayed it! That would leave me rolling around outside on the ground in the middle of the woods or field in agonizing pain holding my face while all the woodland creatues gnawed on my legs I'm sure! Now, if I survived the brutal attack of natures creatures, an regained the use of my legs,....I would probably be completely covered in poison ivy! Ok, pepper spray is not going to work for me.....lol....Lets move on to the Taser option......lol:mrgreen:
Um... I think after the scenario you just described, most ferocious woodland animals would find you too spicy to eat. :lol:

That's fucking hilarious.. :lol: You've got me chuckling like a fool here.


Well-Known Member
Checked on plants randomy today....all is well so far. I didn't make it out tonight, maybe I'll get lucky tomorow night. Only 50 to go! Need to check last planting to make sure they survived. Hasn't rained since I put them out. hope they are ok....


Well-Known Member
And no random forest animals making like they're gonna attack you, right? Have you been able to get any riding in besides the visits to your garden?


Well-Known Member
I made it to the end of planting in one piece! lol.....I just got back home from putting out my last 50 plants. None of natures creatures attacked, It was actually pretty quiet this evening. The only remaining plants I have are two clones that I rooted and four smaller plants that I re-potted....I will probably keep those within a mile or so of where I live.
According to my GPS, I walked just over 6 miles this evening while planting. (Darn the unintentional exercise! lol) I didn't take the 4 wheeler. Anyway, that's a load off my shoulders getting the remaining plants out of here. Now I need to come up with a game plan for harvest....:? I need some ideas for drying stealthy....Thought of hanging outside in woods but not sure how well it would work. I need to build a big tree house that I could dry everything in! lol.....Ideas are welcome.....



Well-Known Member
Treehouses are FUN, that's my suggestion. Sounds like you always have an adventure whenever you go out to your plots.


Well-Known Member
Aside from my outdoor grow, my Aerogarden plants I think are about ready to transplant into soil. I have 2 White Widows, 2 Northern Light#5, and 2 AK-47 plants that are now in 5 inch range. Ideal conditions tell me to lean towards another DWC but I wanted to have everything gone out of the shed.....That was my plan anyway. lol I just wish soybeans grew taller....they are a later harvesting plant. That would assure my plants would make it to their full potential. OK, now I need to make up my mind for my 6 aerogarden plants. lol I'll keep the journal updated.



Well-Known Member
maybe find someone with a scrap car you can garbage bag the windows and use it for drying....then if you need to move them...you can drive it to another spot.lol.


Well-Known Member
maybe find someone with a scrap car you can garbage bag the windows and use it for drying....then if you need to move them...you can drive it to another spot.lol.
Thanks for the idea.....however, I don't live in West Virgina! lol Not that there is anything wrong with living in West Virgina......Would this car be up on blocks or still have tires on it? lol


Well-Known Member
My six special ww,ak-47 and nl are doing excellent since the transplant from aerogarden to soil! I'm gonna wait until I know for sure that they are done spraying corn fields for weeds before I plant them outside. The six plants are growing big and quick....... ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Update....Hope to make it out tomorrow to check on the plants....its been warm and have gotten some good rain. Hope the crop has thrived a bit. I know my 6 special plants and 2 clones in pots outside are loving the weather we are having here. I'll update if I can get out this weekend. Happy Growing! ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Went out today on the 4-wheeler while it was still light and checked on some of the plants.... some are completely gone, (eaten by something I assume) and some are looking great! About 15-20 plants in one cornfield look a little yellow on the top like the field may have been sprayed with round-up. They are still alive at this point, just a little yellow on the top-side. I'm hoping for the best but I'm not real confident that those 15-20 will make it.

In another field right across the wood line the plants are looking great...nothing has been sprayed and I think the corn is to tall for a tractor to make it through, so those 20 or so plants should be safe I think.

My special plants are doing well, getting tall (approx. 18") I topped 3 of the 6 yesterday. I can't think of any good place to plant these!!! I may plant them in 5 gallon pails and see how they do. I am thinking of planting my 2 clones in my garden and keeping them short. They only produce3 leaves for some reason so they kinda look like small bushes right now.
