outlet issue....


Active Member
This could be the dumbest question ever, but ohh well....

I want to grow in my closet, but there are no outlets for lights in or anywhere near the closet. I have been searching for alternate ways to light up my potential grow room, but have come up empty handed.

I guess my question is, is there any alternate ways to supply light to that room without having to get a long extention cable?

Any help would be great


Active Member
a 50 gauge extension cable, if you can cut holes in your doors for ventilation with a 4 in hole saw.. you can put a large surge protector on the wall in your closet and run everything off it. i have one plug in, and two concealed intake/exhaust holes cut.. think ventilation long before you think lights.


Well-Known Member
Outlets in closets are against code in some areas. You can always install your own by tapping into a nearby existing circuit.