Over Fert and Harvest Question


Well-Known Member
Question remains, harvest now or wait for the trichs to start turning, I really dont want nasty tasting smoke
because of problem


Well-Known Member
I would wait if it was me.
Since you said it was MG perlite, and I use MG perlite with no problems, I don't think it's a burn.
Can you give us a pic of how she looks today?


Well-Known Member
Oh! The HORROR! Damn! THose pics are making ME sick!
Seriously, Just chop them down, dry them, make some hash(bho,Bubble, or Dry ice)
Don't fuck around with them anymore, waste of time completely.
They look like they got the AIDS!
GL on your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Try taking one plant, and feed and see what happens.
Reason I say this, is the leaf on top right of pic #2 reminds me of my outdoor Indica last year when I had a bad K def.
See "Potassium deficiency late stage" in chart.
Nothing you can do now except cut off affected sugar leaves, when it finally gets chopped, but maybe you can save them and let them finish.View attachment 2645094


Well-Known Member
I'm going to give them 24hr dark and harvest them. Frustrating, thought I had this grow rockin and then bam. Doubly because I went thru hell to get the HF soil and FF nutes, My first MG soil grow wasn't this bad. That and this morning I see this on my Trainwreck that I've got going. I'm missing something folks and I can't see it.DSCF1707.jpgDSCF1709.jpgDSCF1708.jpg


I learned the hard way to be real careful with Tiger Bloom, stuff is straight acid. One blue mystic lost all its leaves and was basically in a coma for two weeks while I repotted it and is now starting to come back, the other BM withstood it a little better and with alot of lime and H20 only suffered a minor setback and is flowering nicely, though the fan leaves look terrible from the K lockout. I was 3 weeks into flower when that all happened. If I were you Id stick it out and see what happens. Do a real good flush and try to re-set your PH.


Well-Known Member
Any ideas what's happening to the trainwreck? They were transplanted a week ago, starting their 5 node, in HF, no perlite, 6.5 ph water every 2-3 days.