over the counter sleeping pills


Active Member
ok so i know this is not some sort of crazy drug but i had a awesome experience and a figured why not share.

*back story, skip to after stars to just get to trip report*
i have a crazy anxiety and have been prescribed different relaxers ex. xanax, clonazapam, an another one a cant remember (ps i have a high tollerance to pills since birth) xanax i only tried up to 1 mg but thats because he only gave me 4 .25mg pills to test, clonazapam i took 2mg a day for a week then did not like them anymore and started having sleeping problems so i got some sleeping pills the two recent pills were imovane (zopiclone) 7.5mg and dalmane (Flurazepam) 30mg. 4 zopiclone only get me tired after about an hour or 2 the dalmane was a little faster to hit and i took 3. one night i was bored and took 4 zopiclone and 2 dalmane and a joint, i sat down and started playing PS3 and then it started.... my legs were like it was an earth quake then my hands were shacking then full body shakes, and big shakes too not just a little twitch then is stoped about 15min laster then 1 min later it went from 11pm to 4 am O_O rubed my eyes looked at the phone again to make sure it really was 4 am and not just my eyes but then it was 6:30am and then everything was back to normal day was fine so pretty nice trip (oh and for other gamers during the trip i went from lvl 10 to 15 in a FPS)
ok so over the counter sleeping pills i ran out of my actual sleeping pills and they wont give me more for another week. so off i go into the pharmacy and find Benadryl extra strong night time and dormiphen extra strength they are all the same both 50mg pills and both have the same main ingredient "diphenhydramine hydrochloride"so last night i took 4 benadryl 200mg and 6 dormiphen 300mg and then smoked a bowl or two, 30 min later i was hallucinating everyone had like bright orange circuit board all over everything especially on peoples faces, but the fridge was probobly the most crazy thing i started into the shapes for a while and all of a sudden i was racing in a tron like world felt like hours but my friend next to me said it was about 5 seconds lol, the shapes i saw on the walls were different then the faces, faces were computer circuit the walls were an infinit number of shapes and reacted to sound as if i could see the sound waves moving. other things i saw.. i saw 3 men running into battle and they were dressed like old school war stuff:dunce: the shaped also would move when tryied to touch them.
the biggest part of the hallucinations lasted about 2 hours, then slight lasting effect till i went to sleep, another 2 hours later.

strangest part of all was i was completely ok to interact with and do things, i was much slower than usual but fine.
so thats if for now, please feel free to ask anything.


Well-Known Member
i don't know why... but I smell bullshit.. :|

sorry, just my opinion.

you've got quite the imagination though.. ;)



Active Member
i don't know why... but I smell bullshit.. :|

sorry, just my opinion.

you've got quite the imagination though.. ;)

why would you call bs, what makes it unbelievable and why would i need to make up a story. i seriously triped really hard and figured id share the information i had with my personal experience for anyone who was thinking of taking a whole lot of sleeping pills. but i feel like shit today little sluggish and blah, so i wont be dont it again tonight but i will do it again soon its was a lot of fun. i felt like i was sick but that lasted about 2min so i can deal with that and normally thats just my nerves when i try a new mix or type of drug.

but if you dont believe what happens to me thats fine, but i guess i hope you enjoyed the read:-o


Well-Known Member
I believe it. Good report :)
I have read quite a few trip reports on diphenhydramine and not many of them seem to end well.
People usually seeing things they wouldn't want to be seeing (spiders everywhere), or talking to people they wouldn't want to be talking to (actual cops or dead relatives), or waking up somewhere you wouldn't want to wakeup (mental hospital, jail)
One to be careful with.


Active Member
im going to be taking the same dose in a few days again but so far the day after sucks, i feel completely drained and did not get good sleep, even with the trip nearly done the dark bedroom was a little weird

but when i do try it again im just going to reply to this and give another trip report. See if it was just a strange rare reaction or something that can be done over and over, if i get the same effect im going to look into how bad it is for me to take that much at one time and go from there.

personally i did enjoy this but i did have a build up for sleeping pills so if you normally dont take sleeping pills please dont take 500mg try like 200mg and go from there, also a lot of people will just fall asleep and its only after you beat the sleepy feeling that i got the hallucinations. i remember staring into the wall and watching part of it shake and crumble into an object cant remember what it was but it was black.

sorry if i seem to drift off topic sometimes but so much happend and its only coming back to me in waves.


Active Member
been reading quite a bit more into diphenhydramine and people talk about doses anywhere from 300mg to 850mg. to get the hallucinations is more the 500 and up area so i seem to have taken a pretty ok dose, but a lot of talk about how horrible the visuals were, i thought they were great people say they saw scary stuff and i saw none, so it really seems to affect people different ways

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
People are different, so drugs in general affect us in different ways.
The reactions we get could be related to how emotionally stable we are, our comfort zone, inner piece or fear ..


Active Member
ok so just a quick update. After a full day of feeling like crap and not being able to keep my eyes closed till 7 am i woke up today and feel much better, but pretty sleepy because of the not sleeping thing. so it is definitely not something i would do daily, always have a trip sitter, and cant wait for my next report.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
thats always a possibilty. haha. i normally just use a benzo or ambien when my trip comes to a close. for me, it never fails.

oh yea, and i really like ur avatar hornedfrog. +rep


Well-Known Member
i always just use a benzo or an ambien when my trip comes to a close. it works every time for me. oh yea, and im lovin the avatar hornedfrog. +rep


Active Member
Maybe next time you die. lol
thats not really a cool comment but this is the internet so i expect no less i guess

i did not even take a dangerous dose as far as recreational goes, people take 700+mg
i feel that im still in the realm of safe as long as i take a break in between trips.


Well-Known Member
I knew it wasn't cool when I posted it, but its something to think about before you continue to do something so fucking stupid... no? I'd say the same thing to a friend just so you know.


Well-Known Member
it does sound like a liver killer like a motherfucker, but to each his own i would look for something safer like DMT or shrooms if you wanna trip man


Active Member
shrooms im not a big fan of but is DMT really safer that a few to many sleeping pills?
i mean this in no sarcastic way because if taking the pills in excess is REALLY physicly bad for me then im not going to do it anymore, it just seems that with a sitter you trust you should be fine.

and i never considered it to be so stupid compared to all of the other things ive put into my system for much less interesting results. but honestly i dont know anything about the sleeping pill trips, when i took them i did not expect to "trip" just really relax, so im trying to get as much solid info as i can.

so far some people just say its bad with no real reason. To me after a few days reading into it, it just does not seem to be to much of a health risk. but again please prove me wrong help me find something that shows it is truly bad?? is LSD, DMT, shrooms, extasy, speed and so on really better?? considering the ammount people talk of RC's and they crazy effects and what they make you see and do i just cant help but feel im still being safe at only 500mg and not over 700mg like ive read, and the one rare occasion of someone with 1200mg and triped for 2 days in ICU. ugh i hate the internet sometimes, to many opinions hard to know who to trust, but who knows you better than your self?


Active Member
Dosages and Timeline

Diphenhydramine and its counterpart, dimenhydrinate (see the “Different Forms of...” section) can be bought over-the-counter at a pharmacy or grocery store almost worldwide in pill form. These dosages should give one a rough estimate of how much to take.

Note that it is possible one may have an allergy to this drug. One should never take a large dose before having tried a very small dose on its own previously.

Diphenhydramine usually comes in 25 or 50mg dosages. The following table should give an idea of how many pills one should take depending on the effect they are looking for.

Diphenhydramine Dosages
Light: 25 - 150 mg
Medium: 150 - 350 mg
Strong: 250 - 500 mg
Very Strong: 400 - 800 mg
Dangerous: 800+ mg

As far as dosing and effects go,
100mg: sleepiness, maybe some audio hallucinations. It'll be tough to stay awake.

200mg: sedation and mild delirium, mild hallucinations like bugs flying across visual field and things of the like. They'll pop up and be gone before you really catch whats going on

300mg: Same as 200mg except more intense. Definite delirium and difficulty motivating yourself to stay awake. Visuals are more present. You might see bugs crawling in your skin and be able to comprehend some things like bugs before you fall asleep. Things that are really there might have different facial expressions. Audio hallucinations. Intense drymouth and uncomfortable.

400mg: Intense delirium. Symptoms are very similar to schizophrenia. You'll see people pass by that don't exist. If you close your eyes you'll think your in a different place. Difficulty speaking and restlessness occurs. Heart rate increases and it's difficult to get comfortable. Staggering and depth perception will occur

500mg: Very intense delirium. Walking is increasingly difficult. Walls will have patterns, random things will pop up and fake people will be seen and will converse with you. Speech and motor function is extremely difficult, and not much more than mumbling will come out at most. You will think your in one place at a different time of day, then quickly flash to another place. Staying at one place at a time for roughly a minute. It becomes very uncomfortable and falling asleep will be difficult. You won't know if your awake or dreaming, and if not lying in bed "sleepwalking" may occur, but you'll be bumping into walls and cannot comprehend where your going. Drymouth seems uncurable, no matter how much water. Possible sickness

Anything over 600mg may cause blackouts and dangerous for the heart, especially without a tolerance. Although people have taken over 1g and have survived, but remember very little of their trip, and cannot recall what was reality or hallucinations.

Note: The aforementioned list are general effects. Everyone reacts differently to diphenhydramine, but after reading multiple trip reports these are the most common effects.

Effective dosages vary greatly from person to person, based on factors such as body weight, tolerance, and other unknowns. There have been people taking doses higher than 800 mg and have been fine, but once someone gets to dosages that high, it begins to put strain on his or her heart. Some may take 500mg one night and not reach the desired effects, and then on a different night take the same dose and become overwhelmed. This chemical tends to be on the darker side and extremely random and is part of the reason why its popularity is low.

Tolerance develops extremely fast for diphenhydramine and seems to disappear slowly, so it is a good idea to space out diphenhydramine trips rather than increasing one's dosage to compensate for this tolerance. Compensation can become dangerous, because it is impossible to tell at exactly what dose diphenhydramine will become dangerous to one's health.

interesting read


Effects of Diphenhydramine

Positive Effects

- Muscle relaxation
- Music appreciation - This effect varies widely from person to person, but it is generally agreed that diphenhydramine does enhance music. Some various comments include "listening to any song sounds like you are listening to it for the first time, it is never boring," "it smooths out music and makes it more enjoyable." Some people say it gives a darker and creepier edge to music.
- Mixture of dreaming and reality - Perhaps the most interesting effect of diphenhydramine is that it causes people to dream while they are awake. This can be a very positive experience, but also a very negative as dreams are well known to be. Users can often have much more vivid dreams after the intoxication is over. Here is how one user described the dream-reality blending: "All of his thought patterns would turn into conversations with himself, or other people. Some conversations were actually reproductions of real conversations he had had in the past week. These thought-conversations would slowly get more and more real. Eventually, he would always feel compelled to say something out loud. He would struggle for a while, not sure if he really wanted to, but would always eventually say it. This would suddenly bring him back to reality, he would realize that there was no one in the room he was talking to, and his voice would sound foreign and distant."

Neutral Effects
- Time dilation (one minute may feel like 20)
- Extreme short-term memory impairment (at higher doses it becomes difficult to even finish sentences)
- Extreme sedation at higher doses, difficulty staying awake
- Flushed skin
- Feelings of intense gravity or extreme heaviness, feeling like one weighs thousands of pounds
- Unusual thoughts, speech, and behavior
- Visual and auditory hallucinations - This is one of the most sought after effects, and it can range from seeing simple patterns on the walls, to having conversations with people that are not there. This can be pleasant, interesting, terrifying, or even dangerous, because at high enough doses it becomes impossible to distinguish hallucinations from reality. A very common hallucination is seeing small insects that do not exist. Perhaps a small speck on the wall will be interpreted as a small fly. Many people see realistic spiders everywhere and proceed to get extremely terrified. Some have scratched nonexistent bugs on their skin to the point of bleeding. Because what someone will see is so unpredictable, one should be extremely careful using this drug.

Negative Effects
- Dry mouth
- Frequent urination, or possible urinary retention
- Sexual dysfunction (though there have been a few cases of sexual enhancement reported in low to moderate doses)
- Blurred vision
- Confusion
- Discomfort, dizziness, loss of coordination
- Uncontrollable muscle twitches or cramps, restless leg syndrome (less common)
- Nervousness, anxiety
- Nausea (at higher doses, less common)
- Vomiting (very rare, in fact most users would have trouble vomiting if they tried due to diphenhydramine's antiemitic effects)
- Amnesia, loss of memory of the experience afterwards


Active Member
I believe it. Good report :)
I have read quite a few trip reports on diphenhydramine and not many of them seem to end well.
People usually seeing things they wouldn't want to be seeing (spiders everywhere), or talking to people they wouldn't want to be talking to (actual cops or dead relatives), or waking up somewhere you wouldn't want to wakeup (mental hospital, jail)
One to be careful with.
Yeah all the trips iv heard about it were not good. But hey, glad you had fun. Dont abuse it to much though