over watered i think

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i think i over watered my plants can i stick an air stone in my soil to help them get the oxygen they need


Well-Known Member
wouldn't hurt, probably wouldn't help either. One guy I knew stuck a pencil deep down into his soil all over to help it dry out, although that will damage some roots I think the benifit out weighs the harm.


Well-Known Member
holes in the soil will help. I dunno on the air stone, seems that it might be tricky to get it in there well without some serious root damage, and pumping air directly in could dry things too quickly, which can cause major damage to the roots. Personally I would make sure you have good airflow, maybe poke a few narrow holes with a screwdriver or pencil, and give it time to dry out properly. If you could safely put more drainage holes in your pot it would help, but often that is difficult when they are in use. Hope my thoughts help. Good luck and hope they recover!


Well-Known Member
once the damage from overwatering is done there is nothing you can do to fix it. You just have to be more careful and wait for the new growth to come out.