over watered plant


Active Member
This was my first girl. She was beautiful and doing great. She was about 18 in. high and was in her 4th week of flowering. At first she was in my screened in patio. But when she started to flower i wanted to give her a few more hours of light. I would bring her in and out depending on the weather.

MY plant was sitting in about at 14 in. tall bucket with drainage holes. The width of the bucket is approx 8 inches.

There was about 2.5 inch from the top of the bucket to the soil.
If you live in Florida, then you know how fast and hard the rain falls, even if it is just a couple of hours.

In the middle of the night it poured!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, she was flooded. I poured some of the water out.
But she has been drooping and some of her sun leaves are dying.
Is there anything else that I can do? Or should I plan her funneral?

Thanks for any help
heart broken in florida :leaf:


Active Member
some hydrogen peroxide will get more oxygen to the roots. its cheap can be bought anywhere. maybe 1/4 cup . i have used it for some of my plants that where overwatered. GOOD LUCK\


Active Member
Thank you, I really appreciate your advice.

A couple of days ago I removed some of her sun leaves because they where turning brown.

Even though she is a little gangly looking, I think that she is recovering a bit.

I just started growing, and I love it. I live in florida so I think that I can grow year round. I grow in my patio. If the rain is to heavy I move my plants.

Do you think that there is a strain best suited for the cliamt here?
Right now I have been growing big bud.


Active Member
MMMmmmmm BIGBUD nice. I need some big bud strain. to bad your not closer we could trade clones :) Just look up at the seedbank for good outdoor strain. Out door strain i like is purple power. . my plants in soil are finishing their budding cycle From here on out i am doing strictly hydro. going to throw my budding strains back to veg and use them as motherplants for my clones.
Best of luck bro