over watering myth


Active Member
So after a year of pissing around and learning the hard way i finally got takin under a wing of a pro. One of those kinda guys that doesnt like the Internet . I have takin his recipe and modified it my strains that im growing. He has a vert trellis that he ties his plant to that are connected to the sides of his pots. They taper from 2ft -4ft at the top. They are 6ft high, he sets them up on a grid with a single 1000w between each grid of 4 plants.......vegs for 4 weeks and ends up on average of 3lbs a light and has got 3.5 on the best crop. Now ive seen this with my own 2 eyes. His major secret is the strain.........i have no idea what it is......he's been working with it 4 10years and knows it very very very well. He runs a very interesting feeding shd (i was a sceptic at first because it goes against everything ive read) He runs 25gal pots and after a week after trans planting the 5gals into the 25's he runs 20L of nutes water at600-700ppm in veg 700-800 pmm flower every 3 days. The pots are still fully saturated with water when the next feeding is applied. His theory is the fresh nutes water flushes every watering and leaves no salts ever and replenishes the oxy enriched water and pushes the old depleted water out the bottom of the pot. The grow room floor is raised and sloped to one end to drain the excess water. I run a 15 gal pot and use 200L's of water for 11plants each watering. (i made the mistake and changed up the recipe and added hydro ton at the bottom of the pots for better drainage) so i need to water every 2 days so the massive root ball doesnt dry up. I found out the hard way one day is a big deal. The only problem he has encountered with the system is root rot at the base of the staulk so he pushes the soil down the edges of the pots and only waters the edge of the pots. Im on my first grow with this system and it is amazing the amount difference in general health and vigor the plant display. Im still a green horn but i thought id share it with the very helpfull people on this site. Im sure ill hear the ( this is BS) comments but i dont care ill have pics in a while


Well-Known Member
Those r the dudes who change people's lives, and I am proud to be one... I love turning others, young and old, onto growing and loving to grow mj... I love when people call me to come sex some plot of plants they've put out somewhere "special", or when they call me and ask for help in setting up their spaces or rooms, especially when my friends in CA call me, and either have me on conference call, or fly me out to SF... I must be doing something right in my tutorials and in my work, when I engineer grows... Hell, I might wanna kick back and reap THEIR benefits one day when I'm an old man, which will probably never be, 'cause they say that only the good die young...


Active Member
I kind of agree while I am also disagreeing,its a weed,it doesnt need to be fed or watered more than it needs,personally I find that is once a week with soil,now for flushing,I would agree its better to use a weak nutrient mix than just pure water,I use 1.0 to 1.2 ec water when flushing as like you said the salts attach to each other,still not knocking the guys methods,if they work they work :),and plants grow fine in hydro so why not water logged soil,still risk root rot/fungus gnats and many other things,such as too high relative humidity,plant pots evaporating plus plants sweating in budding isn't good,still as I say each to their own.


Well-Known Member
that's good it works for you. that's good it works for that guy. it doesn't work for most people so i wouldn't really go around calling it a "myth" just yet. you're going to get a lot of beginners killing a lot of seedlings that cost them lots of money to purchase. :peace:


Well-Known Member
that's good it works for you. that's good it works for that guy. it doesn't work for most people so i wouldn't really go around calling it a "myth" just yet. you're going to get a lot of beginners killing a lot of seedlings that cost them lots of money to purchase. :peace:
WORD ^^^^^ +rep

I do a lot of things that I would never recommend to a beginner, that I've learned in the last 40 years of growing 'stuff'. They would just end up killing plants.

Working with the same strain for 10 yrs is telling. Lots of experimenting and getting it dialed in. I've only been working with one strain for a bit over 3 years and it's still not 100% dialed in. Close and gets closer every cycle, but not to the point your friend is at.

I wouldn't be calling it a *myth* either. There is a world of difference of what you can get away with with mature plants in 25 gal containers and proper lighting and a few week old in a 1gal pot or whatever.

They just don't transpose.



Well-Known Member
Yea watering right around da edges has hepld alot with my clones. ive lost a few in coco just from stem rot so u got to let it dry some what . And some clone plugs will stay wet and rot out to.


Well-Known Member
Damn id like to see those 4 olants that yield 3.5 is that what ur sayin ifso shit u might change my life lol. is that a 12 week grow?


Active Member
5 weeks of veg in the 25gals 11 week flower time sealed inviroment, 3 ton heat pump, dehumid, co2 burner. The only way i can discribe the grow is its the same look as a vertical roto grow for each light. There is 30 some odd sqft more grow space per light than just the floor sqft'age. Like i said im just learning.......but up until this piont i havent had plants grow like this for me. I meant to put a ??? behind the post......so that kinda changes the whole thread tittle lol. Any how.........the mega water is only for an a stabished root systems because over watering can happen cause ive done it. Like i said it goes against the grain with what ive learned up till this piont. just thought id post up and see what other people had to say about it .....or even heard of guys doing it.


Active Member
i check the run off every watering to dail in the food intake and keep track of all data. I check the ph and ppm ......if its the same ppm as it went in ill add more food next watering until the ppm is highter than it went in that way you know what there up take is.