Over watering Under watering or heat stress??

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I got these Mastodon kush cuts in a small 2.5'x2.5' tent and Im starting to notice some drooping on my leaves. I did some research (I wouldnt just post without trying to find out myself) but I am not confident in my analysis (I think its over watering but logic tells me its from the light) So some background.

Medum is almost 100%Perlite with some lava rocks thrown in for support, there is a layer of lava rocks on the bottom of the bucket to prevent perlite from falling through strainer and a layer on top to prevent perlite from pre maturely drying out.

1000w HPS (200w/sqft!) Just under 3' away from canopy

Temps 82*-85* at canopy I have a old school mercury thermometer I have sitting at canopy level at all times. LOTS of air movement in the tent. Im hoping heat is not the issue cause I dont want to sacrifice any lumens.

I had my pH drop to 5 for a whole day but dont think that has anything to do with the problem. (Ive been growing in soil for the better part of a decade but have never grown in hydro before so there are bound to be a few user errors)

Ive been flooding my buckets every 4 hours for 2 min (it only takes 2 min to fill them up or they will over flow) It seems like alot after doing research and Im hoping that this could be the problem since its easily rectified.

Humidity sits from 35-40%

Really hoping I could get some input here from RIU thanks in advance! -S0uP



Well-Known Member
Over watered. Try watering twice a week. Wait until your plants start to droop a bit. Or use the weight method.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
^^^Umm, water twice a week with ebb and flow 100% Perlite medium???

Please, I would really appreciate some help RIU....-S0uP

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
So Im a little pissed cause I threw the cool blue 400w mh back in there and they immediately started to perk up (I also havent flooded them though and wont till they ask for it) but its disappointing cause I really wanted to see what the 1k could do in a space like that. I still dont understand why they would start to droop though (Someone please explain) -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Yes bro I thought so. The combination of 200w per sq ft and 85 temps are too much and stressing the plants. If you can get that 1000 cooled to 75 you would be fine. Also plants only need 50w per sq /ft especially short plants so the 200w is overkill anyway and I think the 400 will give you 50w per sqfoot. One more thing reduce flooding to only 2-3 times a day.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Yes bro I thought so. The combination of 200w per sq ft and 85 temps are too much and stressing the plants. If you can get that 1000 cooled to 75 you would be fine. Also plants only need 50w per sq /ft especially short plants so the 200w is overkill anyway and I think the 400 will give you 50w per sqfoot. One more thing reduce flooding to only 2-3 times a day.

Thanks for the response, I knew logically it was the light but really was hoping to see what it could produce in a small space like that. I doubt there is any way to cool the light further (8in inline pulling through the cooled hood from closed system and exporting outside/ and 6" vortex exchanging air in the tent also exporting outside my lung room never exceeds 72*) Ive got other fans and may try blowing a 4" Directly at the glass from below to keep the hot air high, But I can always move them to a bigger tent too. I just didnt think that 82-85* would be too hot guess its the strong Indica traits of the strain, shit 200w/sqft sounds sooooo sexy! I plan on vegging them out for a few more weeks (I want minimum 1" stalks before the flip), so I wonder if they could handle the light intensity better with maturity??? BTW I will reduce flood frequency to 3 times a day during lights on which seems like a better feed schedule to me, I was originally thinking higher frequency would yield better results since this more of a topfeed system than ebb and flow, but am obviously mistaken. Thanks for the advice -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Ok and make sure the last flooding isn't too close to lights out. Its more the light intensity than the heat causing this, just flower with the mh until you can build a bigger room. They look healthy and will be fine.