Overdriving flourescent fixtures?


Well-Known Member
I got a 6 bulb t8 fixture on ebay for $50. I plan on buying 3 four bulb ballasts and rewiring the fixture to be an overdrive fixture. Anyone here have experience with this? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen a couple vids on it, pretty basic stuff but make sure you do it correctly or you will ruin the bulbs or ballasts or probably both, Ive also heard that it shortens the life span of the bulbs but I imagine it would produce some excellent growth, the most common problem I hear about fluorescent fixtures are the lack of penetration so this would definitely help with that, I have yet to see anyone do this with T5's, now that would be bright, here are the vids I was referring to:




Well-Known Member
Good info SativaMe... Doesn't look like many here have done the overdrive or are interested in trying. I'll prolly do a posting on it with pics :)


Well-Known Member
Well if this can be done efficiently and practically then it would be totally worth it, doubling the wattage/lumens of your fluorescent lights, HELL YEA, however if it just burns up the bulbs/ballast to fast then on to the next idea I guess.


Well-Known Member
Just ordered 3 four bulb ballast from an online electrical lighting supply house 1000b****.com (edited so I dont get in trouble for unapproved vendor).

Roughly $60 for the three ballasts. The overdrive should turn my 234 watt light set up, into a 450 watt set up. Ill post pics of the process when they get here :)


Well-Known Member
I wanna see someone do this with T5's, if I had the extra cash I'd do it, I know someone has the means, who's willing to take the plunge?


Well-Known Member
Gagekko: if you're doubling the ballasts and pouring that much current into your fixture what's that doing to the heat factor and potential for fire? I've been trying to corner an electrician friend of mine to ask him his opinion but he's been as busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs this summer. I have a safety concern. Hank


Active Member
I wanna see someone do this with T5's, if I had the extra cash I'd do it, I know someone has the means, who's willing to take the plunge?
aka t5 VHO...just make sure to use VHO bulbs and ya good to go (improved electrodes, #1 cause of t5 failure after leaking electrode glue site)
if you "have the extra cash" maybe buy a VHO fixture and get the security of a months-long/years long warranty, at quite the premium of course:
mentions 1, 2 and 5yr warranties on normal use. doesnt specify the vho but a simple call can verify which warranty it would be covered under