Overwatered seedling sprouts.....help!!

Hello all I am new and trying to grow medical mj in Canada and of course no directions were sent so I relied on the internet up to now. I sprouted seeds in distlled water then most of them had opened to differing degrees so I potted them in Pro Mix late Mon in Jiffy cups The problem is I feel that I may have overwatered them ystrdy so I was thinking is it safe to repot them in drier siol and lgr cups? I have given no nutrients so far as I read this is not nec till wk 3...is there anyone out there who can assist? I was told they were harvested in 09 and are hybrid and feminized Sativa and Indica seeds I used 13 to try and germ 10.....1 has sprouted about 1 cm and the others have not....I also read this can take up to 14 days, is this true


Well-Known Member
why repot?? just donwt water them anymore,,,seedlins that small u only need to give a little dribbleof water maybe once a week,,,just dont water them anymore,,,and distilled water#?? lol just normal tap water will do NO nutriants just a dribble of water once a week,,, no need to repot,u dont wana fuk with em too much
I read to use distlled water for the first couple weeks and the let tap water sit out for 24 hrs before using it. What if I dropped the Jiffy pot into another larger cup ie. solo and fill with less wet soil....


I need help to can somebody tell me whats wrong with my sprout? I believe I over watered her but is it too late?
Shes really thin stemmed about an inch tall, one of her oval like leaves fell off and shes 8 days old. She looks bad