Overwatered seedlings

go go kid

Well-Known Member
they look dry to me. its growing nicely , short n squat ,so just keep watering it every few days as it gets dryish. you should be fine


Well-Known Member
50/50 split with you @go go kid . Zoomed in that soil looks a bit moist. I agree with how you'd handle it for sure though. What do you think @Halebop ? How's the soil around the base?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
what soil you growing in, looks very light brown, my organic soil is black. just interested.
and just dont water for a few days, it doesnt look too overwatered or seedling would suffer, thats short n squat, healthy looking.


what soil you growing in, looks very light brown, my organic soil is black. just interested.
and just dont water for a few days, it doesnt look too overwatered or seedling would suffer, thats short n squat, healthy looking.
OK thanks. It's biobizz light mix


Well-Known Member
TBH it looks OK to me. Let it dry out a bit and then aim to keep the medium moist, not too wet and not too dry. Keep checking how heavy the pot feels, you'll soon get the hang of it.