Overwatering? please help!!!


Active Member
We've been giving my babies about a half a cup of water everyday. I hear it'd be better to water it until it barely starts coming out of the bottom once a week. But they've obviously been overwatered, so I need to act quick. I've heard we could add more perlite to the soil to help soak up the excess water, as well as adding hydrogen peroxide to give them more oxygen. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Active Member
I find it hard to believe there isn't something I can do, I'm pretty sure a couple of em are gonna die if I don't do something


Well-Known Member
dont fucking water them any more. let it dry out. stick ur finger in the soil an inch or two and when u can tell the soil is completely dry THEN you water it again. u dont want to water every day. it should be more like every 3-5 days


Active Member
Hah aright aright simmer down we're definately not watering them for now. Does anyone know if adding hydrogen peroxide actually helps them get more oxygen? Or if there's anything else at all we can do other than wait?


seriously man the only thing you can do is leave them alone. i dont know where you got the hydrogen idea, perlite might help..... but the only thing i would do is leave them the hell alone... its a possibility that you overwatered them to the point where they will die and if you did... well that sucks, just learn from it and try again... but my guess is if you leave them alone . you will probably see them perk back up in 5-7 days.


Active Member
Ok we came to the conclusion that the smaller plants are just drowning, has nothing to do with nitrogen. But the bigger jack hair's we think have a nitrogen deficiency, those pics are kinda blurry but you'll notice the leaves at the bottom have been turning yellow and moving their way upwards. We have fox farm grow big 666, which has a decent percentage of nitrogen but also a mixture of other chemicals. Would it still work?


Well-Known Member
I'd repot and water once every 3-4 days... 1 or two mist squirts daily is ok.. Plants that size don't need everything thrown at them,.... new soil.... a good water... then every 3-4 days..... nutes at 1 month in starting at 1/4 strength once a week.... two things fuck small plants too much water/nutes.... luck.
* roots need to look for water... not sit in it......
I use peroxide when the pots are packed in to introduce some o2 in at the roots.. NOT BEFORE.......... any only a cap full once and a while.


Active Member
Ok we came to the conclusion that the smaller plants are just drowning, has nothing to do with nitrogen. But the bigger jack hair's we think have a nitrogen deficiency, those pics are kinda blurry but you'll notice the leaves at the bottom have been turning yellow and moving their way upwards. We have fox farm grow big 666, which has a decent percentage of nitrogen but also a mixture of other chemicals. Would it still work?
sounds like n defiency but i never used those nutes


Active Member
possible nute def. could be caused by many factors dude above good feeding watering regiment my soil plants i would let soil go very dry make the plant suck up food and water they like dry soil good oxigen intake what kind of light you using


Active Member
ok guys we have trans the 3 that was drooping rly bad the soil in all the plants are dry 2in down and crusty on top but they are still drooping the 3 bad ones are near death and the others one are just now starting to droop we have not watered them for 2 days im thinking that there is a prob with oxy to the roots but im a noob and have no idea i sprayed all of them today with a light spray of wter hoping tht will perk them back up but the rly bad ones the leaves are get crusty to the touch and hanging down past the pot if anyone has any idea i would rly presheate it if u guys want better or new pics just let me know and the will be uploaded in a few sec


Active Member
transpant ok shock 3 or 4 days forsure info what kind of light o got were r u in veg state how big r your girls watch your ph foilage spraying is good if u have nut lock when u transplanted how was root system


Well-Known Member
Too many folks get into a ruteen of watering at the same time every day.Check the soil by just sticking your finger in if it feels damp then don't water only water when he plant is nearly dry belive me the plant will thank you for it this make's thhe plant searce out water causeing a realy nice root system and i also bet you don't have nowhere near has many problems the only time i satturate my plants so they are drenced is about once every 2 week when in bud and about once a month when in the vegative cycle.Let them dry then soak them throughtill water runs through the bottom of pot.peace just lay of the robot watering.