Oxyponic Pro 6 Grow Log

Hey everybody I just started my first grow using the oxyponics pro 6 from Stealth Hydro. I have my my 50 gallon reservoir filled with about 40 gallons of water and started running the system late last night after I planted my 6 seeds (3 Purple Cheese and 3 Polar Express - all feminized) into my 1 inch rockwool cubes, which I then placed into my hydroton. I germinated using the paper towel method for about 3 to 4 days until my seeds were good and ready and then transferred them into the rockwool cubes. I have a 600watt MH bulb running in a cooltube at 50% about 3 feet about my buckets. The walls are covered in Mylar I have 2 fans blowing lightly at different angles to circulate air and a carbon filter which is ducted through my cooltube and attached to an outtake fan that blows out into a different room. I started my nutes (Flora Micro and Bloom) out at 20% strength and have added little bits and little bits of PH down to my reservoir because my PH refuses to lower to 6. It is currently at 7.5 PH, about 70 ppm, the water temperature is about 76 degrees, the room temperature is about 76 degrees and the humidity is about 42 degrees. Does anyone have any suggestions to what can get my ppm up to at least 250 and why my PH is refusing to lower? All comment/criticism/suggestion would be more than appreciated. Im going to be keeping up with this log on a daily basis so please feel free to keep an eye on it, it would actually be greatly appreciated considering im a grow newb! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nice setup. I generally need 3 to 4 cap-fulls of pH down after a new res change (25 gallon res, well water). After that, I have to check the pH a couple times per day for the first two days, then it equalizes and hovers around 5.8. If you want to increase your ppm, add more nutrients, yes? :D
Thanks man, Ive already added 3 or 4 cap fulls but its a 50 gal res so maybe I should add a few more. Appreciate the help!
Just put a 20 gallon air pump with an air stone in my reservoir and added a bag of ice, brought my temp to 69 my ppm to about 270 but my ph is still around 7. I was wondering if hydrogen peroxide would help with ph and temperature? And even if it doesn't I know it helps with bacteria, should I add some and if so how much for a 50 gal rez?
Cool that's what I added about, and since I put my 1 inch grow cubes right into the hydroton instead of starting them in cups for ten days it seems like there not getting enough water even though the oxyponics pro 6 Is designed to drain and flood itself and keep them hydrated, im not sure if im just being paranoid but the cubes are barely moist and the top half of the hydroton is completely dry, any help with this?
The temperature of my reservoir has hit 84 this is catastrophic! I ordered a rez water chiller but it wont be here for a week, so I did an emergency rez change with cold water! My temp is now at 59 and rising though. I add another quarter of nutes and a few caps of hydrogen peroxide because I changed the rez and my ppm is at 100, is this too low for early veg? And when I first did the rez change my PH was roughly at 4 and rising I thought it fight settle in the 5s or 6s but no of course its back at 7.5 an hour later. This is day 4 of veg so will this effect my plants at all, somebody help please its my first grow and I am tweaking out


Active Member
Dou you have stabileze hydrotons before use it?
I put my hydrotons in ro water for some days using ph- until the ph stop to grow up (ph 5.6-5.9). After that it's easy mantain the right ph.
Another problem can be the bad water but if u can have only 70ppm i think it s ok. For first week i use 600ppm then 1000 until flowering