package nabbed by kustoms and weird message in pack


Well-Known Member
it seems i remember some one getting an official letter not too long ago? like within a few months but this last month or so its been mostly just the unhappy face or just the green tape. i wonder what caused the change?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
it seems i remember some one getting an official letter not too long ago? like within a few months but this last month or so its been mostly just the unhappy face or just the green tape. i wonder what caused the change?
Prolly cuz the guys keeping em and not turning them in.....


Well-Known Member
prob save on paperwork.the letter thing is a little more threatening to me,lol..I wont order there till they come up with another plan,,always liked the tude,ashamed its ending like this,,hopefully my Canadian order will show up.


Well-Known Member
Just got an email from the tude and they are re shipping the order even gave me a tracking number. They must be working weekends now to catch up! Anyone hear of them getting nabbed on the 2nd go around I'm hoping for smooth sailing this go around. Im seriously considering stocking up on beans now.


Well-Known Member

My Herbies and Sea of Seeds orders have been coming with no problems whats so more Attitude for me, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
ya tude hit me up too, silver mountain out of stock so i gotta pick something new :bigjoint:

someone on here has been hit 2 times in a row according to him. he said he is waiting on his third i believe, il look for the post.

Cthulhu's Hand

New Member
Well I got my order From Attitude yesterday. First order and it wasn't opened/my beans where their. I think its 1 random guy doing this shit it seems, as most of the seizures have those stupid notes. Guy Must have had the week of the 4th off. Lucky me


New Member
It's one guy if you ask me. He has figured out how to spot attitudes packages, either through their shipping method, or maybe by the code or sort pile it goes into. He knows he can steal them with no consequences. Probably gonna open his own seed shop soon
a lot of growers or smokers workin at these places are stealing the genetics and reselling them or growing them themselves man. its been happenin for a long time.. this is why u never have it sent to ur grow.. and u never ever ever ever ever use ur REAL NAME.


Well-Known Member
a lot of growers or smokers workin at these places are stealing the genetics and reselling them or growing them themselves man. its been happenin for a long time.. this is why u never have it sent to ur grow.. and u never ever ever ever ever use ur REAL NAME.
no way you know damn well customs agents get drug tested just like any type of law enforcement. could be reselling or saving them for retirement who knows.
But what about the ones using there credit cards I think its stupid myself but a lot of people do it and I've yet to hear of someone getting busted that way. I'm too paranoid to use a cc mostly cause I doubt the feds are gonna legalize us growing our own pot even for medical I think the plant itself will be treated like heroin while they allow pharmaceutical drugs to be made out of it and with the patriot act law enforcement could then look at your cc and bank account to look for suspicious spending if your not medical you'd be a fool to use a cc cause you have no privacy they watch the internet, our phone, our spending habits you name it and they don't even need a warrant to do so anymore thanks to the patriot act we are slowly losing all our freedom yet everyone is just allowing it and medical weed supporters don't help at all as there is much bigger problems in this country like freedom which has been slowly taken since the early 1900's.