Palin and Husband Hate America


New Member
It'd be sweet if one of these states broke off and followed a the old dusty constitution. We could move there and experience a constitutional republic for the first time in our lives. Joy.


New Member
It'd be sweet if one of these states broke off and followed a the old dusty constitution. We could move there and experience a constitutional republic for the first time in our lives. Joy.
It would be sweet if I shit gold but it isn't going to happen.



Well-Known Member
Maybe not any time soon, but the pressure is there. People like me are sick of people like you, and people like you are sick of people like me. We both want to be allowed to go our separate ways.

If you truly believe in all the socialist propaganda feel free to move th NY or NJ or CA.

There's also the fact that there's several organizations that are advocating secession.

Republic of cascadia,
Republic of the North,
Republic of Texas,

I might have the names wrong, but there's probably some references floating around on the net.

Me, personally I think the states should be free to leave the union, just as they voluntarily chose to join it. Of course, it should take popular vote to make that kind of decisions.

Lol, even better, Survivor style voting, let the public vote to eject 2 states from the Union, like California and New York.


New Member
Wow you gave me a great idea. Lets tax EVERYONE in the United States to fund gold shitting research. Socialized Science, cause the private sector is just a bunch of "stoned lackeys". Don't say it can't happen man, "YES WE CAN". We'll CHANGE your asshole and make it coat all your shit in gold flake!

It would be sweet if I shit gold but it isn't going to happen. :bigjoint:


New Member
Oklahoma recently threatened secession if the Fed won't stop shitting gold flake all over the constitution in their state. THEIR STATE.

Maybe not any time soon, but the pressure is there. People like me are sick of people like you, and people like you are sick of people like me. We both want to be allowed to go our separate ways.

If you truly believe in all the socialist propaganda feel free to move th NY or NJ or CA.

There's also the fact that there's several organizations that are advocating secession.

Republic of cascadia,
Republic of the North,
Republic of Texas,

I might have the names wrong, but there's probably some references floating around on the net.

Me, personally I think the states should be free to leave the union, just as they voluntarily chose to join it. Of course, it should take popular vote to make that kind of decisions.

Lol, even better, Survivor style voting, let the public vote to eject 2 states from the Union, like California and New York.


stays relevant.
Aside with all the bullshit, who really loves the current America?

This country has without a doubt gone to shit over the course of 20 years.


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma, right in the middle of America... damn, I'd hate having to drive the long way around...

Shrugs, but if they feel that way, more power to them. They joined voluntarily, they ought to be allowed to leave voluntarily.


New Member
Just admit it, your post is horribly misleading. Though every time I go to it there are shit covered golden flakes all over the screen.
No its not misleading. They have strong ties to a separatist group who want to leave this country. And why are so preoccupied with my gold shit?