Palin found guilty of abusing power in troopergate


Well-Known Member
Even if that baby didn't have special needs, after the way she treats him, it'd have special needs anyway eventually. Doesn't she make enough money to provide some decent care for the kid when she's working? Oh right, the baby is more useful as a prop.

And now they're dragging in the abortion issue. That means they're running on fumes now. People don't give a shit about abortion when their entire lives are in serious economic danger. We have entered the final act of a desperate campaign.

On the plus side, we're showing the rest of the world the dark side of America...and then it looks like we're going to resoundingly reject that dark side.
I'm livid about that..All those people pissing and shitting and not washing their hands and she sticks them in the babies mouth.. I'd pay for the bullet... Family values....she wouldn't know them if they bit her on the ass.....:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:


New Member
You have room to talk, you can't get past the color of Obama's skin. :finger:
~lol~ You just can't get over it, can you? Look ... I'm very proud that America has advanced to the point that a Black person has a very good chance of winning the presidency. Honest, I am. BUT not THAT ONE! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
That's OK, I'll be waiting for that $100 when Obama Wins Vi.
And you know that I have yet to lose a bet in the political arena with you Vi.


New Member
That's OK, I'll be waiting for that $100 when Obama Wins Vi.
And you know that I have yet to lose a bet in the political arena with you Vi.
Well, there won't be any hundred dollars waiting for you even if Barak wins. I don't bet for money.

What I can't believe is that you would vote for O'Bama. I was always under the impression that you were a libertarian thinker. O'Bama is about as far removed from a libertarian thinker as one can get. What's up with that, Dank?

And by the way, the only reason I ever made those dumb bets with you is that I wanted you to try my cookies. :lol:



New Member
Well it seems to be what your entire argument is based upon. :finger:

~lol~ You just can't get over it, can you? Look ... I'm very proud that America has advanced to the point that a Black person has a very good chance of winning the presidency. Honest, I am. BUT not THAT ONE! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Well, there won't be any hundred dollars waiting for you even if Barak wins. I don't bet for money.

What I can't believe is that you would vote for O'Bama. I was always under the impression that you were a libertarian thinker. O'Bama is about as far removed from a libertarian thinker as one can get. What's up with that, Dank?

And by the way, the only reason I ever made those dumb bets with you is that I wanted you to try my cookies. :lol:

My Voting for Obama is a Mandate to the the Republican elites that they are on notice, if they don't clean up their acts they will be gone for ever.
Secondly I can not bet for Cookies since they would make me Lose the $45K+ a year Job that I have just got. They are not worth it.
My thinking about you not betting for money is that you are not very confidant in which way the election is going to go.... And also that you are a skin flint.


Well-Known Member
My Voting for Obama is a Mandate to the the Republican elites that they are on notice, if they don't clean up their acts they will be gone for ever.
Secondly I can not bet for Cookies since they would make me Lose the $45K+ a year Job that I have just got. They are not worth it.
My thinking about you not betting for money is that you are not very confidant in which way the election is going to go.... And also that you are a skin flint.
Dank, I think I finally know what your problem is. You don't see that the problem isn't just the Republicans, but the Democrats also.

Both parties SUCK!


Well-Known Member
Now your finally getting it. But the 3rd parties have yet to produce a viable candidate.
At this point I would rather put up with an Obama Presidency than let the Republicans continue with the same old shit they have been pulling for far too long.


Well-Known Member
Now your finally getting it. But the 3rd parties have yet to produce a viable candidate.
At this point I would rather put up with an Obama Presidency than let the Republicans continue with the same old shit they have been pulling for far too long.
Do you really think that supporting Obama is going to lead to reform of the Republicans?

Despite my desire to see a Republican Presidential Candidate I can respect actually get past the primaries I'm not about to vote against my principles and beliefs by voting for Obama.

That's like shooting myself in the foot because I have an itch.


New Member
according to the legislative inquiry, the "first gentleman's" influence was so pervasive that senior staff members began to be uneasy about his constant phone calls about Wooten. Former legislative director John Bitney, the report said, took several calls a day from Todd Palin on his cellphone.

"Todd . . . would call me about once a day, sometimes two or three times a day, just on a myriad of things" -- very often about Wooten -- Bitney testified.

"You were kind of caught in the middle here?" Branchflower asked him.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to tell him I wasn't going to do anything . . . I didn't think that was appropriate, but I didn't want to tell Todd that."
The 'first gentleman' also read official correspondence and went to closed Cabinet meetings, records and an investigation indicate.[/color]


Well-Known Member
Didn't Hillary get slapped down early on in the Clinton years for sitting in on meetings or something? I vaguely remember something like that. And that's good. It makes me uneasy to think we elect one person, and their spouse steps in and starts making decisions that should be made by the person we elected. Separation of spouse and state. Heh.


New Member
I'm livid about that..All those people pissing and shitting and not washing their hands and she sticks them in the babies mouth.. I'd pay for the bullet... Family values....she wouldn't know them if they bit her on the ass.....:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:

(Oh damn :o; now ya'll know who was negative "repping" you, huh? Oh well. LZR.)


Well-Known Member
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - A report has cleared Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin of ethics violations in the firing of her public safety commissioner. Released Monday, the report says there is no probable cause to believe Palin or any other state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with the firing. The report was prepared by Timothy Petumenos, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board.

A separate legislative investigation recently concluded that Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, abused her office by allowing her husband and staffers to pressure the public safety commissioner to fire a state trooper who went through a nasty divorce from Palin's sister.

Palin says the firing had nothing to do with the trooper.
Report clears Palin in Troopergate probe