Well I don't know what the trigger will be but things are going to get medieval at some point soon. One third of people couldn't make their rent or house payment in July and the extra $600 in federal unemployment benefits is in it's last week. We're looking at a complete economic meltdown soon unless they come up with a effective vaccine very quickly, long shot is a understatement. This thing will make the great depression look like a picnic and chances are it will happen this year. When the food supply chain collapses is when things will really get ugly, you can't eat guns and ammo. We might have limited the impact if the virus would have been controlled but tRUmp made sure it wasn't. This all sounds like tinfoil hat stuff but it doesn't take that much research to see it coming like a freight train, good luck to everyone.
he's going to take the fight to Florida where his secret police can work and DeSantis won't stop it..his MO, he provokes continually then when you respond, he goes psycho like he never provoked you in the first place..when it's one on one, you get away from that person; when it's your president..?