Pandemic 2020

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Does anyone seriously think that all those big US corporations on the exchanges are worth more today than pre-pandemic?
Come fucking on! Trillions of dollars pored into the economy by taxpayers with nowhere to go so up go the mostly irrelevant markets. That’s the crutch supporting this shit. Lots of open air under those stock values to fall through.
Most people don't even think of the stock market and when they do, as you say they think the Dow Jones going up means better days are ahead. The market is not a predictor of economic prosperity. It does show that people with money prefer to put it into stocks than lending the money out. Low interest rates are a big part of the reason why the market hasn't dropped yet. Gold has gone up a lot too, btw. I figure a crash is coming, I predicted a crash by April, which happened and then the market recovered.

My guess is, Trump has jiggered the system to prop prices up and we'll see the crash after the election is done. They will blame Biden, of course.
The governor Stitt of Oklahoma has been lying to the public and withholding Positive Covid 19 tests. The public school system in this little city just got News of the with held positives And yesterday at 4 pm the city Told the public they are going to virtual and shutting down the Public schools due to the huge increase of cases just added. Parents are scrambling and a lot of people did not show up to work.
less Oklahoma peeps is a good thing. (no offense to you Doc! but i'm talking the people that think that fracking 15000 wells in OK didn't result in all the earthquakes.

even my daughter's school (less than 150 kids) could and should have tested everybody about 3 days prior to the start of school but didn't. hence why I'm homeschooling right now.
Tried watching RNC for trump ... phony applause and cheers from room ( im sure he will claim “ crowds ) , same incoherent thoughts , same finger pointing , same nickname calling ..... same nothingness.
He also withheld a report from the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force that said Oklahoma should mandate mask wearing and bars should close. Also, as you say, Stitts has withheld reports on new cases and schools systems have been open in Oklahoma while their governor sat on information saying they should not.

Gov. Stitt’s office withheld White House COVID-19 report recommendations from public

The report said “Oklahoma is in the red zone for cases,” 15th in the country for most new cases and 11th in the country for highest positivity last week.
“What’s concerning is there’s a big discrepancy between what the national maps show and what the state health department cover map shows,” said Dr. Monks. “Our kids are going back to school right now and they’re relying on information, and nationally, Oklahoma is still shown as a red or at-risk state. It puts us all at risk if we’re not given this information, especially those in healthcare and education.”

To me, Stitts is abusing the power of his office for personal gain. I don't understand how people of Oklahoma can remain such steadfast supporters of Trump and his Republican Party through all of this.
A betrayal of his citizens and his oath over fear of a mean tweet, he sold out people's lives over his own imagined fears and greed for power. Disgraceful and disgusting, a despicable act that rises to the level of a crime against humanity and he is not alone in having blood on his hands, many red state governors are just as guilty, as are many of the republican base, but they did not swear oaths to protect their citizens, as the politicians did.
Hinted at another COVID announcement for Thursday.... probably a rectal uvc lamp he is on some manufacturing board for.

Amazing the amount of koolaid drinkers in live comment feed - All fools . I mentioned the millions of infections here in states and hundreds of thousands of deaths attributed to his lack of leadership to control .... and they hated i brought that up ... lol.
A betrayal of his citizens and his oath over fear of a mean tweet, he sold out people's lives over his own imagined fears and greed for power. Disgraceful and disgusting, a despicable act that rises to the level of a crime against humanity and he is not alone in having blood on his hands, many red state governors are just as guilty, as are many of the republican base, but they did not swear oaths to protect their citizens, as the politicians did.
If only morality mattered.
Tried watching RNC for trump ... phony applause and cheers from room ( im sure he will claim “ crowds ) , same incoherent thoughts , same finger pointing , same nickname calling ..... same nothingness.
Thats, I am not bothering, turned to CSPAN-3 to listen to the hearing.

Hinted at another COVID announcement for Thursday.... probably a rectal uvc lamp he is on some manufacturing board for.

Amazing the amount of koolaid drinkers in live comment feed - All fools . I mentioned the millions of infections here in states and hundreds of thousands of deaths attributed to his lack of leadership to control .... and they hated i brought that up ... lol.

Those comment sections are insane, the sheer volume of trolling on youtube is impossible to compete with unless you have a bot.
Hinted at another COVID announcement for Thursday.... probably a rectal uvc lamp he is on some manufacturing board for.

Amazing the amount of koolaid drinkers in live comment feed - All fools . I mentioned the millions of infections here in states and hundreds of thousands of deaths attributed to his lack of leadership to control .... and they hated i brought that up ... lol.
I'll bet all the Trumper sites are "moderated", no admins like here, start spouting the truth about Trump there and it will not just trigger them, it will be like setting off a fucking a bomb! Death threats within the first 5 posts for sure! I could create mayhem in such a place, as could most here! :D
Hinted at another COVID announcement for Thursday.... probably a rectal uvc lamp he is on some manufacturing board for.

Amazing the amount of koolaid drinkers in live comment feed - All fools . I mentioned the millions of infections here in states and hundreds of thousands of deaths attributed to his lack of leadership to control .... and they hated i brought that up ... lol.
something like 70% of all Repubs polled thought 176000 deaths was "acceptable". wonder what they think when it hits a quarter million deaths ??
If only morality mattered.
When the people of your community honor you with leadership, your first responsibility is their protection before all else, even your own safety, physical or political. This is the only way for a normally socialised leader to behave, they will use and manage all the resources at hand for this task by delegating responsibility to the appropriate experts who can also take action guided by experience and knowledge. Trump failed in every single aspect of the above.
When the people of your community honor you with leadership, your first responsibility is their protection before all else, even your own safety, physical or political. This is the only way for a normally socialised leader to behave, they will use and manage all the resources at hand for this task by delegating responsibility to the appropriate experts who can also take action guided by experience and knowledge. T
If only that were the norm.
America still has many good people as leaders, they all happen to be in the democratic party lately. The choice is stark and clear, classic good versus evil stuff, a real simple narrative, life and death.
Yeah, it's just America. That's the ticket.

Edit: I think a difference between Canada and the US is how we lean in the cooperative society vs competitive society spectrum.

US leans hard into valuing competition and not so much value in cooperation.
Sputnik was a kick in the balls for America that had a lot of unforeseen consequences, like massive funding for K-12 science education and technology. We are continuing to benefit from that US educational reform and the GI bill before it, that educated millions of veterans, many already trained in related military technical fields.

Perhaps covid and the experience of Trumpian dystopia will spur meaningful reform from a majority in congress with a public mandate. Election, security, health care, media and educational reform must be priorities, the sheer level of ignorance must be addressed, both scientific and civic, along with the proliferation of bullshit and disinformation. The new government needs to step on Fox News and facebook like cockroaches, Fox news under existing law and regulation as a public health menace and facebook with new law and FCC regulation as America's biggest broadcaster.
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