Pandemic 2020

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It looks like trump delayed testing because it would make his numbers look bad (think cruise ship) and is largely responsible for the testing fiasco (don't test, don't know). Lack of testing, control and now mitigation measures are causing American society to shut down, the economy to crash and the hospitals to be overwhelmed with the death rate to skyrocket.

Planes with aid from China are landing in Italy now, test kits, PPE and equipment, Trump just insulted them.
China is Russia’s biggest trade partner and, although the two countries share one of the world’s longest borders, Russia has reported relatively few confirmed coronavirus cases on its territory.

It must be the North winds that keeps them safe.
Currently experts expect over 1 million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.

This will be recorded as a major preventable public health disaster.
Currently experts expect over 1 million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.

This will be recorded as a major preventable public health disaster.
Does it include the regular hospital patients who will die, the accident victims? Car accidents will happen and no hospitals will be available for example.

I figured about a million, the great leader fucked you and the country, blood has been spilled and will be, this is about to get very serious and dangerous for Donald. A million corpses and an crashed economy will go very badly for Donald in november. I hope I live long enough to see the congressional oversight hearings into this bullshit, they mentioned the NPR story about Trump delaying testing for political reasons on morning Joe this morning.
On the up side of things. Stocks are getting cheap. If you have access to cash your timing could be profitable. I think it could go down another 5K-10K points easily. I'm the old (70+) one in the family so I may pull the trigger and sink all my savings into it so the wife would have a bigger nest egg if I croke. If I live I get new lights!

They cancelled PGA events until early April.
Things went from nervous to nuts where I live too. Gov. Brown issued an order to shut down events with more than 250 people and by the next day, the local Winco was out of TP and some other stuff. I went there for some normal shopping and the Checkout lines wrapped around the store. Had no problem getting fresh veggies, eggs, yogurt but the canned food aisles were bare. Frozen veg aisle was empty. People were loading up on shit food like boxed cereals but there was plenty of fresh foods. Just nuts. Or maybe I'm missing something.

I mean, she just told people they couldn't congregate in large groups and people acted as if some super storm AND earthquake were imminent. Our water supplies aren't threatened but you wouldn't know it by looking at people's carts.
It's fucking unbelievable.
I live in Newtown, CT (yea, that 1) and yesterday witnessed panic buying after Trump's assuring the Nation that he had it all under control.
I guess that's what scared them the most
I think I'm getting the feeling of what the passengers on the Titanic must have felt that night that their ship sank, that this can't be happening, but it really is & it really sucks.
I really don't think I'm gonna be able to dodge this bullet this time though, because I have COPD & am over 60, and am surrounded by this shit (latest case in CT 15 miles from where I live) and I just have a very bad feeling about it.
But hey, what the fuck, nothing is forever, right?
Stay safe people :)
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Wal-Mart in butte,mt.was normal with fully stocked everything yestarday.
Could be just not enough people here for a run though.
Do you let the rabbits run around in the house?
We had one that used to act like a cat......even used a litter box.
Well scotland is banning all public gatherings over 500 people from next week, meanwhile I have to work in a supermarket with hundreds coming through the door every hour to empty the shop of essentials entirely.
Will be glad to survive to see the end of my first grow.
Keep toking ladies and gents
I haven't checked stocks, but I am guessing Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, telecommuting companies, Peleton, etc all will be doing really well with this. Anything that allows people do more at home.
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