Pandemic 2020

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Hmm, so it's a right that you drive on the Queens highway. It's a privilege here so the need to be careful can be lifesaving.

Blocking traffic with construction equipment during morning rush hour to use the opportunity to give out tickets. You see the "construction" was not shared and no one was aware they were going to be made late for work or for an interview or doctors appointment. In the back of the dump truck was a cop with a scope and as the poor fools called or texted at a stand still the tickets rolled out. That is illegal. When a cop walks out into traffic to sneak up on people looking through windows it can cause an accident. It does not matter who does it, its illegal. Its also weak as a format.

As a related component, cops are now hurting for tickets and are reaching. They pull over anyone they can to try and rack up a bill. Now out of desperation they will pump anyone they pull over with any test they can use. I have encountered it first hand. pulled me over for zero reason, lied to me and pulled the usual bullshit. Ran every test like a desperate boy scout.
Blocking traffic with construction equipment during morning rush hour to use the opportunity to give out tickets. You see the "construction" was not shared and no one was aware they were going to be made late for work or for an interview or doctors appointment. In the back of the dump truck was a cop with a scope and as the poor fools called or texted at a stand still the tickets rolled out. That is illegal. When a cop walks out into traffic to sneak up on people looking through windows it can cause an accident. It does not matter who does it, its illegal. Its also weak as a format.

As a related component, cops are now hurting for tickets and are reaching. They pull over anyone they can to try and rack up a bill. Now out of desperation they will pump anyone they pull over with any test they can use. I have encountered it first hand. pulled me over for zero reason, lied to me and pulled the usual bullshit. Ran every test like a desperate boy scout.

Zero reason, I understand.
I get it and know what they are doing. It is actually the reduction of spray and the distance it travels that is mitigated with a N95.

Still does not stop mutations harboring in animals. This has already happened in the uk.

Still does not cover the conflict of interest around vaccines with zero accountability to the companies who sell them.

Keeping Costco open and destroying small business families is not a benefit in any way. Not towards Covid management or management of the potential outcomes. The outcome is more people to coopt Trump and storm whatever location they have been directed. More people to protest and call the Rebel news. These people are left in the cold with no other option, and for a reason, not by accident.

There is no good reason that is backed by real science that states Costco is safer for people to walk in. People pile in and don’t social distance. In the beginning the Costco restaurant was open while small independents were forced to close. Force causes hysteria and distrust. It would have been cheaper to push for delivery systems to support businesses and get a better level of management.

The reason Canada had such a rush of immigrants, border crossing, was not to make us feel special, or to actually help people. The reason is we have a serious population problem. We broke all the rules and did not manage it correctly. Canadian citizens were hurt and harmed in the process, for years now. Any talk about it is squashed or labeled. Children have been harmed (more girls molested) and the management of people who are coming in as well as the people already here has been criminal. Boomers are on the way out and we need a class willing to work for less. Canada has a serious population issue.

I can’t prove the intent for this but the finance minister on cbc was clear, she is spending us to the point that we are keeping up with the rest of the massive deficits. Crazy high as fast as she can spend. I am sure they are very concerned about how that will hurt you and the value of your dollar. So sure they care.

If the country was locked down and Justin did not return the sick troops home from China we could have used the proper masks and hunkered down as a country for a year or two. We have enough resources and could have remained mostly managed at very low levels.

If people were handed gas masks without a plan and told everything would be fine, yeah it would have been an all-out panic. Idiots in power didn’t want to lose face so they wait until the liability could be used as an excuse. The entire process has zero concern for you your safety or the health or well-being of the working or business class.

In the end the control part is a side effect of the power they have under this emergency status. Now any spending, taxes, or structure changes can happen quickly and easily. That is what we call a dick tater ship.
'Zero accountability' is bullshit. Just thought I would point that out bullshit statement that I noticed before the rest of your verbal brute force trolling turned me off of reading it all.
'Zero accountability' is bullshit. Just thought I would point that out bullshit statement that I noticed before the rest of your verbal brute force trolling turned me off of reading it all.

The accountability at best is the government takes some of that public cash and gives it to you to "fix" the problem. Sorry about your family member or kid. Does this make ya happy?? Run along now. This is the same reason they cant force a vaccine it in normal times. It is always a risk.

Canad has prepared ahead of time with money at the ready.
You might enjoy this. Justin has a big sweaty wad of money for anyone with a dead loved one . Don't mistake your position in this situation.
The point is trusting the news for your opinion harms everyone. Use your head and know the government could care less about you. They will lie to you as a rule. Take care of you. Dare you to actually look into the reality of the structure you live in. I can prove for days every point I make, you spit out cnn garbage and wait for a sticker.

All that crap said sorry I dont back down. No one was willing to discuss anything and never through messages.

Good luck

The accountability at best is the government takes some of that public cash and gives it to you to "fix" the problem. Sorry about your family member or kid. Does this make ya happy?? Run along now. This is the same reason they cant force a vaccine it in normal times. It is always a risk.

Canad has prepared ahead of time with money at the ready.
You might enjoy this. Justin has a big sweaty wad of money for anyone with a dead loved one . Don't mistake your position in this situation.
What are you talking about?

How does any of that have anything to do with your big lie that businesses don't have any accountability?

The point is trusting the news for your opinion harms everyone.
False. Believing the nonsense trolling propaganda that you like to push is what is harming everyone. If everyone that is caught up in the vicious cycle of disinformation that you pretend like you believe actually instead listened to the actual news and scientists working to stop this virus we would not have over 440k people dead of it.

Use your head and know the government could care less about you. They will lie to you as a rule. Take care of you. Dare you to actually look into the reality of the structure you live in. I can prove for days every point I make, you spit out cnn garbage and wait for a sticker.

All that crap said sorry I dont back down. No one was willing to discuss anything and never through messages.

Good luck
Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 6.50.50 AM.png
Blocking traffic with construction equipment during morning rush hour to use the opportunity to give out tickets. You see the "construction" was not shared and no one was aware they were going to be made late for work or for an interview or doctors appointment. In the back of the dump truck was a cop with a scope and as the poor fools called or texted at a stand still the tickets rolled out. That is illegal. When a cop walks out into traffic to sneak up on people looking through windows it can cause an accident. It does not matter who does it, its illegal. Its also weak as a format.

As a related component, cops are now hurting for tickets and are reaching. They pull over anyone they can to try and rack up a bill. Now out of desperation they will pump anyone they pull over with any test they can use. I have encountered it first hand. pulled me over for zero reason, lied to me and pulled the usual bullshit. Ran every test like a desperate boy scout.

they have to give you 'cause' for pulling you over..what did he say was the cause?
What are you talking about?

How does any of that have anything to do with your big lie that businesses don't have any accountability?

False. Believing the nonsense trolling propaganda that you like to push is what is harming everyone. If everyone that is caught up in the vicious cycle of disinformation that you pretend like you believe actually instead listened to the actual news and scientists working to stop this virus we would not have over 440k people dead of it.

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i might be losing your favorite nemesis back his SAG membership? a first sign of everything away.
i might be losing your favorite nemesis back his SAG membership? a first sign of everything away.
Im incredibly ok with the loss of 'nemesis' in our political system. Get a bunch of hyper competent people voted into office to replace them that represent and understand the particular needs and ways to efficiently increase the standard of living for everyone.

I am sick of incompetence that these political personality (Ron Paul, Cruz, Kennedy, at least 61 house members) click bait trolls bring to the table. Citizens need to understand what is going on and using actual factual information and vote for the best candidates and not allowing the big lies to be used by politicians to keep power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic.
they have to give you 'cause' for pulling you over..what did he say was the cause?
Most likely speeding. The cops did it here also, mind you it was a real construction zone that had a reduced speed. Just like the lady on my street complaining of the noise of construction when a neighbor had his house expanded. "How dare they bother me? They house was fine the way it was."
I got my KN95 masks in the black color. They are really awesome. They fit very snug and are super comfy. I like the way they look like a teepee shape . that shape allows a nice tawnt solid shape that stays off of my mouth at all times so that when I talk no material touches my lips. it’s a solid well made durable and thick mask because it actually suctions up to my face like a medical grade N95 does. I feel a lot safer wearing it then the other masks now with the new variants out there . It is a 10 pack for like $34 on Amazon .
I got my KN95 masks in the black color. They are really awesome. They fit very snug and are super comfy. I like the way they look like a teepee shape . that shape allows a nice tawnt solid shape that stays off of my mouth at all times so that when I talk no material touches my lips. it’s a solid well made durable and thick mask because it actually suctions up to my face like a medical grade N95 does. I feel a lot safer wearing it then the other masks now with the new variants out there . It is a 10 pack for like $34 on Amazon .
I need to buy better masks. But I'm sporting a pandemic beard. Will have to shave to get that good seal.
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