
Big Storks

Active Member
So I put in an order from attitude on 2/9/14!!! Usps received order on 2/18/14 and was "Out for delivery" at 8:10am!! Later on that day my tracking said "Delivery Status Not Updated" at 10:10pm!! Today I still haven't received my package as my tracking still says the same thing!! Should I be worried about this??? Also worried that attitude wont reship because I have no order with green tape!! Stressed the fuck out!!! Help please!!!!


Active Member
roll one,smoke one...The first time i ordered seeds i was paranoid as fuck that a customs officer or a cop would show up at my door one day with my soon to be babies,but in the end they came,i know what you are going through,so chill out man,if you are really worried you can call UsPs customer support and ask for a trace on that tracking number,they will call you back within the day and let you know what is going down


Well-Known Member
I dont order from attitude any longer. Too many peeps report probs n i dont have time for intercepted orders


Well-Known Member
Whats gonna happen will happen.
Dont spend your last days of freedom
hiding behind the couch.
Just kidding.
Reject these thoughts and put them into
something you enjoy.
They are just thoughts.


Well-Known Member
7 words . ( you order from attitude you get fucked ) you will not get your items. even with guaranteed shipping. no letter your fucked in the ass. your on here don't your read al the attitude reviews we have been bitching about them now over a year. herbies is where it is .


Well-Known Member
well before we order those we do some research . you just come on here to bitch, instead of doing your home work . im sick of people bitching about attitude. and you keep ordering from them. why not reorder and order again after that. then again. like a rat in a maze . or hit the button keep getting zapped .


Well-Known Member
Attitude always seems to have problems, IMO you need to order from herbies. Never had a problem with them or a shitty seed. Each to their own though. I wouldn't worry. Ordering cannabis seeds isn't illegal popping them is in some places. Your fine.

Big Storks

Active Member
Lol!!! I'm going to mess with herbies one time!! My order being late was due to me not removing snow from in front of my mailbox!! Lol never had a bad experience with the tude though!!
I am a rat and I like the zap. I complained. They re-sent my order but i have to gauge if the po po is waiting to fk my white ass on pick up. The sht they might find at my place.... It was be less of a fuck up if i stuck my hand in a blender
if i was really paranoid about getting raided due to stuff id been ordering on the internet id be sending stuff to a different postal address which wasn't doing anything illegal............ oh wait i do that anyway :)


Well-Known Member
RIU members praise herbies because herbies is the forum sponsor/vendor,just like members of ICmag praise Seedbay/Seed Boutique because it is the forums vendor/sponsor.

That being said,I know plenty of people that haven't had a problem with any of those three seed vendors nor the Attitude Seedbank.


My experience with many courier delivery's and on-line tracking is usually the package is delivered and then later it's updated online. Right now just chill on some indica, it should be all good.

Big Storks

Active Member
The paranoia was not due to me growing anything at my residents!! I thought maybe it was delivered to the wrong address!! I don't want ANY neighbors looking at me funny!! They come here to raid, it would just be a practice run!! Aint shit happening where I lay my head!!!