Passive intake vs active


Well-Known Member
Remember to use acoustic ducting. Also pushing air into the filter instead of pulling through it will lower the noise quite a bit, the carbon filter will act as a silencer.


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about quiet, I'd get a T6 or S6 AC Infinity and run it low, like set at 2 or 3 or 4. It'll be quieter and still move plenty of air.

I use a T6 as my exhaust fan on my 14 cubic foot tent and I do crank it on the hotter days, but if you've got a consistent 74f temp, you can just let it roll low and quiet. I also have a Terrabloom filter, which I can say works very well with the T6.

I also happen to have an S6 which may even be a lick quieter than the T6 but that's up for debate. I use that as an intake, set a few notches below the T6's setting so I keep a minimal negative pressure in the tent.


Well-Known Member
No 3x3 will need active intake unless you're in a completely sealed room or a mine shaft.

A good quality 4" out would be more than enough, but a 6" at lower speeds would be quieter and have the benefit of being useful if you ever expand your grow area.