PC grow boxes for sale questions


Active Member
This is not a thread actually selling im just wondering how much you guys would pay for a pc grow box 23" in hieght 4 30W CFl 6400k for Veg and 4 30W 2700k for flowering a integrated Light trap and carbon filter at all fans Mylar reflective light proof and a hydro kit/soil pots and a lock on the door and also i could make one with a 100W LED light and other light asortments


Well-Known Member
google that shit!!!!

there's a company that charges like 400 bux for that.

i built one once for around 100... lol... so i'd say max 200 with a small manual hydro kit.... that's only if you can guarantee temps inside don't get too warm of course....


Active Member
No offense but I don't want anything to do with a PC grow box no matter what it costs. While it may be a bit presumptuous I feel most on this forum will agree that it is not a worthwhile grow-space.

That said if the price of mushroom "growkits" are any indication there is a sucker born every minute and they all have cash.


Well-Known Member
yes what he said ........ go to free spores.com

make shroom kits check it shroom pores are legal to sell in the united states. ( well for at least most states)


Well-Known Member
No offense but I don't want anything to do with a PC grow box no matter what it costs. While it may be a bit presumptuous I feel most on this forum will agree that it is not a worthwhile grow-space.

That said if the price of mushroom "growkits" are any indication there is a sucker born every minute and they all have cash.
don't scare me with rollitup's icon man not cool i thought you where a mod for a second