Pc grow case using soil


Active Member
Nice job chief!Your plant looks nice and bushy!Hope its a fem!!!
I also buy from Nirvana and since now i ve grown a Short Rider(auto) which got chopped yesterday,and i have 6 more autos in progress!For a "home user",NIrvana Autos are great!You can have some decent weed in about 2 months!Check my journal!

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Hey Marlo your grow looks good! Whatever you get from this 1st grow is an accomplishment because you didn't have to BUY it:) I will definitely need your help when I start mine BM. Good luck on the rest of your grow. Can't wait to see final weight of your SR.


Well-Known Member
What's up Napa23, my order has arrived and I'm so glad. I have to wait and see if Sassy is female plus I'm growing in a pc case. When Sassy is 5 or 6 weeks into flowering, I can start my BM. We have to compare notes with your 2nd grow:)


Well-Known Member
Yep :-P. Nirvana is pretty fast. Still waiting on my soiltabs though, I'll check this morning.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 Flowering: July 5, 2010 Sassy

Sassy was watered July 4th, I should have given her nutes. I will have to give them to her on the next watering. Here's some pics, no sex yet.

july 5, 2010 003.jpgjuly 5, 2010 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey Napa23, did your soiltabs come in yet? I will give Sassy some nutes tomorrow or Wednesday, I don't want to over water her.


Well-Known Member
Yep they came in about 4 days after my seeds. They're bigger than I expected. Yeah i think water stress is more harmful than slight nutrient def. I hope mine develops as well as yours.


Well-Known Member
DAY 11 flowering: July 8, 2010

The pH in my soil was over 7.5 so I flushed my plant with 2 gallons of pH water and got it down to 6.5. Then I gave Sassy some nutes 20-8-16. Still no sex yet which is good to me because Baby showed sex (boy) in 9 days of flowering, so maybe Sassy is a girl:). Will update with pics on Sunday which will be 2 weeks in flowering.


Active Member
Nice job Chief!! Cant wait to see your baby flowering!
I also bought solitabs from Nirvana BUT i forgot to use them...nice eh? :-P


Well-Known Member
Haha you forgot to use them? Do you think you'll use it for your next grow? Seems to be working out for my plant


Well-Known Member
Day 15 Flowering: July 12,2010

I'm going to wait another week to check to see if Sassy is Female! I watered her today. I will post pics of her June 19, 2010 we should have confirmation that Sassy is FEMALE by then.


Well-Known Member
Day 23 Flowering: July 20, 2010

I've been out of town since Thursday and missed Sassy like crazy. As a newbie, I worried about her the whole time I was away like she was my child:) I had my fiance' water her but I did not trust anyone to feed her nutes but me, so she was definitely hungry for nutes! Now for the million dollar question, IS SASSY A GIRL? See for yourself!

july 19. 2010 008.jpgjuly 19. 2010 003.jpgjuly 19. 2010 005.jpgjuly 19. 2010 010.jpgjuly 19. 2010 009.jpg

july 19. 2010 011.jpgjuly 19. 2010 015.jpgjuly 19. 2010 014.jpgjuly 19. 2010 013.jpgjuly 19. 2010 016.jpg

Now can I say that Sassy is a Girl?