PC grow case


Well-Known Member
1982grower I have fibermialga look it up I cant hardly walk because of pain.I live in a medical marijuana state and my doctor told me to smoke it for pain.Fibemialga is debilitateing for men.so yea I smoke what I half to to not hurt as much I wont take pain pills Im not a pill popper Im not trying to argue or fight I just put my opinon and your calling me names you need to grow up obviously you are 18 or 19 or something why do you kids like to argue and call names does it make you feel like you are grown up?


Well-Known Member
its all cool guys thanks 1982 and yes i understand your state zag and trust my id like to have ur grow setup but unfortunately i cant and this is my first grow and im just stoked that im growing and doing it to tell u the truth the amount doesn't bother me right now i think its cool that ima be able to smoke my own weed i grew u catch my flow.

heres some pics i snapped today next leaves startin to come in
and do u think i have it at the right height from the bulbs.. or should i raise it or lower it?
p.s. 3 blue ryders germinating as we speak =)



Well-Known Member
them look great I wouldnt move them they are nice and green and not stretching what strain are them?


Well-Known Member
hey BTK3ill very nice setup. this looks like it will turn out nice .... also you take very good pictures. what camera r u using?

ps. i think you should raise the plant up about 1/2in. to 1in. from the lights.


Well-Known Member
hey BTK3ill very nice setup. this looks like it will turn out nice .... also you take very good pictures. what camera r u using?

ps. i think you should raise the plant up about 1/2in. to 1in. from the lights.
thanks for the advice and um its Nikon d40x with the stock 18-55mm lens actually i think they been pretty shitty cause somethings wrong with my auto focus so ive been using manual focus the whole time lol


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice and um its Nikon d40x with the stock 18-55mm lens actually i think they been pretty shitty cause somethings wrong with my auto focus so ive been using manual focus the whole time lol
nice... i have a nikon D80 with the AF-S DX 18-135mm lens. great camera, but i need a lens better for macro shots.


Well-Known Member
alright i did that its sittin bout an inch higher now but what do u guys suggest with the lights right now i got 4 27w 5500k bulbs in but i also have 4 26w 2400k veg bulbs that the box came with . should i just keep the 4 5500k in now until signs of sex then put in the 2400k's or should i mix them up a lil?


Well-Known Member
zag. whether you are lying or not is not my prob. you started putting down his grow. if you NEED to smoke 2 ounces for that reason then you gotta do it and i won't hold it against ya. but this guys thread is cool for him and he may not be able to grow trees in his house right now. not trying to argue bro. If your sick then get well man. but this guys post is cool. Forget the argument. and my name says how old i am. lol seeya


Well-Known Member
Hey m8

Plant looks good. Seems to have flattened out a bit too, so maybe the water is helping a bit. Did you make any other environmental changes?
While it's quiet in there you could have a play around to try and lightproof those fans a bit. The plant is still a bit small for any training just yet.

past times

Well-Known Member
looking good man. it might not hurt to throw in one warm light with 3 of the cool lights. i have always liked a little varying light in the veg. it is warmer though so watch the temps if you do it. you can phase in the warm lights one at a time this way. just an idea


Well-Known Member
true true yeah thanks and here i have a questions ive been germinating 3 seeds today is the begging of the 2nd day and nothins poped out... give it more time?

some pics



Well-Known Member
true true yeah thanks and here i have a questions ive been germinating 3 seeds today is the begging of the 2nd day and nothins poped out... give it more time?

some pics

Be patient! :P is the area they are in warm? i found myne took ages then i moved them near a radiator and they popped the next day! .. can take up to a week though.


Well-Known Member
they'll sprout soon prob. my lowryders all popped in 1 day except 1 and it did 3 days later and i now don't even know which 1 it is. if they pop after 4 or 5 days though it may be a week plant. So are you growing them in the pc right now or putting them in later when a little bigger? Also did you leave the front of the computer looking normal. the other pc grow i saw he removed just the back of the cd rom disk drive and everything so it looked like it was still there. He also mylard the inside. sorry if i missed the pic of the pc but didn't see it.