Pee test today! any advice?


Well-Known Member
I worked for the government for 10 years and had to piss test every 6 months. I used Kleen Tea. It's like $40 and in a yellow small box. Worked everytime but once. The time I failed I bitched moaned an complained stating I passed the test for x amount of years something is wrong with the test. They let me piss again but I had 1 month to clean out the system. You can't eat or drink anything other then this tea. Save 1 16 oz glass for a 3 hour window when you will be pissing. Drink it and take the vitamins in the box. Like I said never failed other then once over 10 years. IF anything it will come up to watered down and they can't say 100% it's cause of weed or anything. They will just tell you "Looks like your pee is really watered down, we could not get much info from it" I tell them I am a heavy water drinker and it flys. I would not go to the test. If I can find the link to the company I will post it. Don't take the pills version of the product, I hear it's not as good. Basicly the product just flushes your system completely. You will be pissing for hours on end the night before the test. When your piss starts coming out clear as water you know you are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
If its soon, i guess you could dilute it with water/warmish but other then tht i dont think you can get rid of everything in less then a day.


Well-Known Member
you could have done it in like 3 days...... but thats the quickest ive seen anyone in the future try Niacin..... it makes you feel like shit and you might break out in a small rash and get itchy but it will give you a few days to pass a test. you can get it at basically any vitamin/health store


Active Member
I remember years ago my sister had to take a test, we heard cranberry juice and vinegar mixed worked. We mixed it up but she just couldn't down, so im not sure if it works.


Well-Known Member
Dont know if you took it or not...
but there are two ways....
Lots of vinegar...
or drink gallons of water, so much water that you think it will make you will shut down your kidneys for a bit....and you will only piss the water.....


Well-Known Member
I just used detox brand xxxtra clean to pass my piss test yesterday and I just got hired today it worked I was suprised I smoke multiple times a day and even smoked the night before my test and had my test at 2:30 the next day oh how happy I am to make some money again! Nothing has ever worked for me except this test I had yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Last year I'd tried the vinegar and water one. you start by mixing a 16 oz. bottle of clear cider vinegar with water and down it. I threw it up almost as soon aas I had the entire bottle down. what a waste (and mess lol) that was!
The tea that I was referred to last year was 'yellowroot' tea. Tastes like burnt hay, does NOT work. oh, I finally got the vinegar to stay down and THAT one does not work either. I feel I am this sites guinea pig for drug tests!
Daily I put away about 6, 12 oz. bottles of water anyhow (I am not a health freak, I just like water), so today when I finally went (after drinking gatorade and Surejel), i was peeing crystal clear. no odor, (yeah, I went that far, but ONLY that far, no taste test or anything!) It looked like tap water. ok that is way too much info for you strangers. lol, I'll leave it at that. I won't know results till Monday. Damn HR lady for co. is going away 'till then. But I'll post the results in a new thread to let everyone know if it works.


Well-Known Member
M.D. Labs Naturally Kleen Quick Flush Tea, 1 box

Heres what I used. You can try all the viniger you want all the other household stuff you want. They wont work. The detox tea is what works. Yelllow root does not work. Take it from someone who had to go through it every year twice a year. I have seen many people try the home remidies that grand mom told them and they all got screwed. This is the only stuff I would trust. It's a combo of things that are in the tea to clean out your system. All the other stuff does is had high amounts of acid to your system but they do not clean out anything. You need to get out toxins from your body not add stuff to it. Now if they take blood or hair your screwed. There is nothing that will help you with that. BTW the way. I smoke like a firelog, 1 to 2 bones per day with every little down time and this stuff was the bomb.


Well-Known Member
all my buddies are heavy schmokers too. sux, i know even my ex-girlfriend now schmokes(due to me, I started her down that green road and she's 55!), ah well, gotta do it anyways, I flunked 5 tests out of 7 in the last six months (lol) so I thought I'd try this surjel method. tried everything else (short of quitting) too late to quit now. I've flunked the best, from a spit test, to a hair follicle test 2 blood tests and a few piss tests due to different agents not working as they advertised 'quickflush' being the worst. these drinks suck! they taste worse than sucking down surejel w/ gatorade (not bad really kind of like a jolly rancher) and then they don't even work!
well wish me luck, I won't know the results till Monday, so I'll post then with my results and if it works then we have a new way to combat Big Brother! Now I imbibed last night and here it is 14 hours later. in 2 hrs. I'm going for my pee test (fingers crossed) doubt it really but, hey ya' never know...[/quote
Hey man, i have a friend that does the gatorade and surejell and he sais that what it does is instead of cleaning your system it creates like a sheild that hides the THC from the test or something. So according to what he sais you drink it and dont piss once till your drug test, or else you piss all your oppurtunity down the comode. But i have had friends smoke a blunt and pass a rug test two days later. So its possible for you!


Well-Known Member
The BEST way to pass a drug test [Not sure for the day before]

But if you know a few days ahead

Take alot of vitamins and work out.Go running..weight lifting etc

It will cause you to sewat alot and leave your system.

When i was at jobcorp we would get drug tested.There was a nice weight room..So we all just played basket ball..ran on the track worked out etc.

Do this for like an hour a day [depending on how far away your test is]

theres also a pill that makes your piss really yellow [Im not sure what the name is,the people just called it a "fish pill"]

Hope this helps some.


Well-Known Member
Don't work at corporations that test! The man's tryin to hold us down!

seriously tho, ur fucked.. but if not, welcome to Home Depot.

Let us know how it went man!



Well-Known Member
Dude you need to look at this logically. Do you know what happens inside your body when you smoke a joint? The THC sticks to the fatty part of your blood cells and will not leave until 30 days depending on how much you smoke. IE smoke 1 once per month you are good to go after a few days, smoke everyday for months on end, you have to wait 30 to 40 days for it to clean out. Gatorade? Never heard of that working. Look at it like this, Gatorade ads minerals to your body. Minerals that your body needs and will eat up. There is no way to mask or shield THC. Not possible at all. The labs that test for it know exactly what to look for, it not like they have no idea what they are doing. It's a machine that will 99% of the time give them a yes or no if it's in your system. If the test shows inconclusive, then a real certified scientist will look at it under a microscope and make the final decision. The best you can do with a pee test is to get the body as clean as possible from your system. The work out makes sense as you will sweat out allot of the crap from your body. When people sweat and then start to smell. It's not the sweat that smells; it’s the toxins in the sweat that cause it to smell. That's why everyone smells different. A combination of their body’s water and what they have taken into their body causes different smells in everyone. On a microscopic level (which is what you are dealing with here) everyone smells different. That's why dogs can tell their owner from a room full of 1 million people. One other thing that will help is vitamins E. It helps to promote oxygen into the body, that oxygen will make its way to your blood cells and help them to flight off the THC that is sticking to them. THC is not something that is natural in your body so while it's there your blood cells are working overtime to remove it. When they do remove it, it's tossed into your urine so it can be dumped out. If they did not you would stay high for days. That's why you need to pee, pee, pee. Make the body work overtime to remove the toxins. Everytime you pee, your body removes more toxins. That's why it's important to pee constantly. Flush the system so it can start the cleaning process over again. Your urinary track is like a super cleaning system for your body, constantly working to remove junk that is left over from food or drink you have taken in. It works 24 hours per day and never stops. Until you die. When people die from liver problems, they don't die because the liver is bad. 99% of the time they die causes the body is slowing poisoning itself because the liver will no longer work to remove toxins from the body. I don't know if you ever saw someone with a liver problem, but they start to turn yellow in the last stages of their fight for life. They are turning yellow because the body is reprocessing the toxins that the liver will no longer remove.

Not jumping on anyone here. Just trying to help you out with my personal experience. I'm not giving you advice from a 3rd party source. Just telling you to look at this from a scientific level. Don't listen to your friend’s friend. Cause odds are they don't know what they are talking about. I'm no doctor or scientist, just a guy who was scared shitless every time I had to piss so I researched back when there was no internet. The books I read on the subject where written by doctors, not some guy sitting behind a computer who might have an agenda. IE Let me put out this bullshit an get all those pot smokers out of the workforce.


Well-Known Member
god damn people dont listen. sure jell works, i have seen it pass 8 piss tests. smoke the day before and still pass.


Well-Known Member
well rick the pharmacist can suck a dick lol. cuz my wife smokes everyday and even on the day of the test. and she has passed every piss test she has ever taken. maybe on more advanced tests it may not work. but for like 8 times it has worked for her and me. 3 bucks at the grocery store. anybody can do whatever they choose but i will pay 3 bucks and if it is really too important to chance it, then i will use a urinator.


Well-Known Member
well rick the pharmacist can suck a dick lol. cuz my wife smokes everyday and even on the day of the test. and she has passed every piss test she has ever taken. maybe on more advanced tests it may not work. but for like 8 times it has worked for her and me. 3 bucks at the grocery store. anybody can do whatever they choose but i will pay 3 bucks and if it is really too important to chance it, then i will use a urinator.
Not looking to bust your balls here. But a womens body has a ton of more stuff going on inside then a man. I would not risk that stuff at all. The science behind it just does not ad up to what's taken place in the body. Your 8 test, compaired to my 20. Well the math is simple. I wish this guy all the luck in the world cause taking home brews is at best a shot in the dark. Most of what you read on the net pertaining to people who have passed with that stuff is all hear say. My friend did it, his friend did it and so on. Yet when you run across the doctors or science sites, they all say the same thing. Besides dude it's just Home Depot. What's that like $10 her hour to start? I can tell you offline how to start your own business for under $100 and you will pull in more per week then the home depot manager. An it's competely legal.


Well-Known Member
Not looking to bust your balls here. But a womens body has a ton of more stuff going on inside then a man. I would not risk that stuff at all. The science behind it just does not ad up to what's taken place in the body. Your 8 test, compaired to my 20. Well the math is simple. I wish this guy all the luck in the world cause taking home brews is at best a shot in the dark. Most of what you read on the net pertaining to people who have passed with that stuff is all hear say. My friend did it, his friend did it and so on. Yet when you run across the doctors or science sites, they all say the same thing. Besides dude it's just Home Depot. What's that like $10 her hour to start? I can tell you offline how to start your own business for under $100 and you will pull in more per week then the home depot manager. An it's competely legal.
dude you are seriously a hard head aren't you. i have used this method numerous times as well as other people have. do what you do, and i will do me i guess but i will pay 3 bucks to pass a piss test any day. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol you are 100% correct. I can be a hard nut to crack. One thing though, I'm not afraid to say I am wrong when I am wrong. Which should count for something. It's one thing to be hard headed, it's another thing to be hard headed and closed minded. Hey look at it like this. At least I'm not a push over ass lick. That's one reason why I left the government work. Could not handle the kiss ass to get ahead and no one liked to hear the truth.


Well-Known Member
read it again. gatorade masks the flavor of surejel which is a fruit pectin used in canning. this stuff bonds with the thc in your pee, hiding it from testing. it doenot get rid of it it just hides it for a while.