perlite in buds?


Well-Known Member
ight so ive been picking up some flame batches these last cuple weeks all from different people and in three separate strains had these little white things in the nugz/bags that im almost 95% sure is perlite any idea on how it could get in the buds?



Well-Known Member
people try anythink to boost the weight
that is why it is good to grow your own
you know what is in it


Well-Known Member
I dont think ppl would use perlite to boost the weight, one because its blatently obvious and two because it weighs nothing, they use sand blasters or glass etching sprays for that, the uk has been flooded with it!

More than likely the perlite got into the plant/buds during a re-pot of the plant, when i turn my pots upside-down to take the plant out of the pot sometimes bits of soil and perlite fall onto the plants and occasionally i find a bit of soil in my dried bud, so i think thats the most likely explanation, especially if they did any re-potting when the plant has dense sticky buds that perlite will easily stick to.


Active Member
ight so ive been picking up some flame batches these last cuple weeks all from different people and in three separate strains had these little white things in the nugz/bags that im almost 95% sure is perlite any idea on how it could get in the buds?

dude I had little white bits in a couple of my bags recently!!!

Not until I read this that I realised it did look exactly like perlite!!!

Are u still about? I know i'm a few months late with the reply!!!

Are you in UK? wonder if it was from the same batch?


Well-Known Member
ok heres what happened to me. I grew in 100% p'lite (check it out in my journal w/pics). While I was trimming I placed a bud on the paper and when I picked it up it had p'lite stuck on the trics. I was like WTF!! I thought my bud had mold on it or something. But I was still in the trimming mode and they still had to hang. I just brushed off the p'lite and hung um. Maybe some ppl just bag their wet shit and let it dry thata way and sell it?


New Member
Lil late but yeah I'm literally breaking a strawberry sized bud in half and deep inside almost like seeds are perlite rocks....explain plz...