Perlite Mix


Active Member
ive already started my grow in an regular soil mix i purchased at a hardware store down the street.

i want to add some perlite but i dont know the best way to do it with my plant already 3 weeks in...

do i need to remove the plant and mix the perlite with the soil its already in or how should i apply it to my pot???????

im not getting the perlite until tomorrow or maybe later this weekend..

help me out. thanks


Junior Creatologist
you can do pretty much anything you want to if your transplanting into different soil as long as your careful with your plant. N from what i understand you can use as much perlite as you want, because it allows more oxygen to get to the roots, and thats a good thing. Ive even heard of people using nothing but perlite when they are starting out in veg cycle. Like i said though, just be careful with you rplants and the roots while your taking them out of their pots. Dont try to fuck with the soil that the roots are wrapped around too much, because if you do youll end up putting the plant into shock, and it could take up to a week for the plant to recover and go back to its normal growth rate.

Ive transplanted my plants into either a different pot or new or different soil somethin like 4 times, and my most recent change was actually just 3 days ago. The plants are still in shock, but they are slowly starting to grow again. Just do what you gotta do, and just remember that this is all a learning experience. If you fuck up, just get back on the horse and do it again. Most importantly though, have fun man.



Active Member
hhaha no shit. thanks K1ng i appreciate it.
i think im going to try and remove a 1/3 of the soil and replace it with perlite.
i dont want the plant to go into shock though because im growing indoors and ive been really anxious to get out of the seedling stage and into vege mode. i dont want to slow it down much so imma have to be extremely careful i suppose...

what are you growing?