Perpetual Rubbermaid Grow, CFL and HPS style


Well-Known Member
75% of the mother plant foliage completely died... Some foliage recovered and looks fine. I hope this will not cause issues later. Another plant drooping heavilly, 24 hours earlier she looked fine, so I watered her. Is my pot sizes a factor in what seems to be rapid dehydration? Also, my clones have not developed roots yet. Sigh, everything going wrong with this grow, but I realize that is all my fault.
Ok, so another plant showing droopy leaves!!! Soil feeling a bit dry. The one from yesterday did not fully recover. What is going on!!! :( Do I have to water these every 2 days or so?!


New Member
Im growing in a Rubbermaid box as I'm using 6 x 23watts cfls equivalent to 100watts per bulb, I have a 6" normal portable house fan blowing air out of a 4" window, have a 1 or 2" intake hole. I'll soon post pictures of my plants asap.. my plants are week old as of Monday 6/17/2013..they are starting to curl up on the end of the leafs with alil brown yellow on it because of the heat.. looks like they stopped growing.. I know you will need to see the pics so I'll send some asap.. also I'm growing in peat moss & perlite.. its the miracle gro enriched peat moss with Barely any nutes.. can someone kinda help me out please...


Active Member
Droopy leaves could either mean over watering or under watering. I only water when the pot feels light, and I feel that's an adequate way to tell.


New Member
Thx for the reply supermann man i Wish I had sum clones, these are bag seeds and yes from germination, paper towel method in a zip lock bag....


New Member
Can someone help me, I'm growing in peat moss soil & perlite in 3gal pots in a rubbermaid grow box..I'm bout 2weeks and a CM130806-091445.jpgday or two into flowering, she looks like a female but the 2 small buds look like sacks..idk can anyone help me?