Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

I finally transplanted them lastnight. I put most in peat pots cause some of these will probably be transplanted outside depending on space issues. This is all because of a bold move by my evil wife. She has reclaimed my poppy growroom except for a corner of it. Anyways I also thinned most of them 1 per pellet(the peat pellet they were atarted in). A few I thinned somewhat but I havent chosen which ones to keep yet. In about another week I'll thin out the rest cause they will be easier to tell which ones are the strongest. Still no fertilizer. I will start a very week solution probably next week. Also in a few days Im going to be making some more tea with some Tasmainians and I will show pics and tell you what Im doing step by step. Basically an illustrated cooking show.

Looking good and healthy. But lay off that coke, It's gonna rot your teeth. Jk
i just ordered my 1st lot of poppy seed after reading this thread and thinking it was time to give this a shot,i got a mixed pack of....hens and chickens,tasmanian,giganteum,persian white,plus mystery pack. 500 seeds in each,totaling 2500 all together.i will be keeping an eye on your posts to pick up any tips and grow info.i will be in tough when my seeds come to pick your brains and to make sure i am doing every thing right.
I made some tea tonight with some tasmainians. Im kinda messed up right now and I still have to tend to my weed grow. But tomorrow while Im at work I will post the pics and the play by play.

And your right about coke. I love that shit and drink it way way to much. But if Im to lazy to make coffee I have to to do what I have to do.
i just ordered my 1st lot of poppy seed after reading this thread and thinking it was time to give this a shot,i got a mixed pack of....hens and chickens,tasmanian,giganteum,persian white,plus mystery pack. 500 seeds in each,totaling 2500 all together.i will be keeping an eye on your posts to pick up any tips and grow info.i will be in tough when my seeds come to pick your brains and to make sure i am doing every thing right.

Alright great. I think you'll enjoy growing it. Like I said its one of those things you dont have to constantly watch. Post pics in here once you start them Id like to see. I will help ya anyway I can.

Oh yea I forgot to mention I started some outside the other day in a little hole I dug and added some soil in. I didnt think they were going to germinate but they did after about 5 days and they are still continuing to pop up. So like any self respecting grower I got my tiller and a shovel and tilled/dug a little garden about 6' wide and 8' long and 8" deep. I filled it with the cheapest potting soil I could get at home depot($1.78 per cubic foot). As I was finishing up yesterday adding the soil it was just starting to rain so I held off on planting. But today I went out there and tossed some Persian and some Tasmainians. Next weekend Im going to be starting another little garden for some hen&chicks. Then who knows I might go rent a big ass tiller and plant an acre or so in a corner of our property. But who knows. Alright I gotta get to my girls in flower. Later
Alright sorry it took longer then expected to finally post this. Ive been sick with flu or something. Alright the other night I mage some tea.

(6) medium tasmanian poppy pods and about 12" stems.

(1 1/2) cup of water

(1) tablespoon of vinegar(can use lemon juice or nothing at all. Its a personal prefernce.

(1) small pot

(1) filter(can use coffee filter, tea shirt or whatever else.

(1) drinking glass

(2) bowls

First I take the 6 pods with stem(PIC1) and cut them into small pieces. I then take them and grind them into the finest powder I can get it(PIC 2). I use a mini grinder and it does very good job. The finer the powder the better. You will be able to extract more morphine if you have more of a surface area of the poppy pods.

Then take your little pot and fill with 1 1/2 cups of water(PIC 3). Place the pot over the stove and bring to a boil. Once it comes to boil remove from heat and then add you grounded poppy pods(PIC 4). At this time I also add about 1 teaspoon of vinager which I think help the morphine extraction. NEVER ADD YOUR POPPY POWDER WHILE THE WATER IS BOILING. BOILING TEMPERTURE BREAKS DOWN THE GOODIES CREATING CRAPPY TEA.

After adding you poppy powder some will settle to the bottom and some will float on the top for awhile(PIC 5). Let it sit for atleast 20 minutes and stir every now and then. Some of the floating material will gradually settle to the bottom(PIC 6). On the bottom you will have whats refered to as sludge. You looking for dark tea. The darker you get it the more potent it is going to be and the less you will have to drink. If you tea is kinda light for you liking just put over low temp until its steaming and evaporate some of the water off.

After letting it steep(sitting and cooling down) I take a drinking glass and place a coffee filter in it and put a rubber band around it to keep it in place(PIC 7). I then begin filtering out the tea(liguid) from the sludge(solids)(PIC 8 and PIC 9). Once everything is out of the pot I take the coffee filter out of the cup. I twist the tops and then place in a bowl. I then take another bowl of the same type and place on top of it. Then I use the two bowls as a press to squeeze the last of the liquid out of the filter and sludge. After you have all the liquid in a cup take the left over sludge(PIC 10 and 11) and keep for another cup. Off the sludge expect about 50% of the potency from the orignal poppy.

Drink up. Its going to taste bitter. I perfer my tea alittle warm and then have something to drink as a chaser. Some people use honey or lemon to flavor it up. I dont really care for all that Im more about getting it done fast. Like I said it should be dark as you can get it cause that mean potency(PIC 12).

Wash the dishes so you dont piss off your wife or girlfriend.


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Alright great. I think you'll enjoy growing it. Like I said its one of those things you dont have to constantly watch. Post pics in here once you start them Id like to see. I will help ya anyway I can.

Oh yea I forgot to mention I started some outside the other day in a little hole I dug and added some soil in. I didnt think they were going to germinate but they did after about 5 days and they are still continuing to pop up. So like any self respecting grower I got my tiller and a shovel and tilled/dug a little garden about 6' wide and 8' long and 8" deep. I filled it with the cheapest potting soil I could get at home depot($1.78 per cubic foot). As I was finishing up yesterday adding the soil it was just starting to rain so I held off on planting. But today I went out there and tossed some Persian and some Tasmainians. Next weekend Im going to be starting another little garden for some hen&chicks. Then who knows I might go rent a big ass tiller and plant an acre or so in a corner of our property. But who knows. Alright I gotta get to my girls in flower. Later

Make sure your yard doesn't start looking like Afghanistan. No one wants the Taliban thinking they can take refuge on their property....
BTW, great post with the pictures. You took all the quess work out of addiction. JK. Now we should start a "how to get into detox and rehab thread. Im just playing, good job.
Heres the latest update. Times have beem hard around home and its come down to me being forced to grow in shittier and shittier locations around the house as my evil wife gains foot holds in various rooms. But at least shes gone for the week at her moms......900 miles away. So its been nothing but smooth sailing since Tuesday. I missed garbage day yesterday so now I have garbage piling up in the garage. But I dont care Im a man damnit. I have been playing master mechanic around the house and taking apart everything that I think I can fix only to find out that I dont know what the hell Im doing and I leave it worse then it was to begin with. But I dont care Im a man damnit. Staying up late going to work at 11 am when I was suppose to be there at 9. And when I get there I look in the bosses eyes and said "I dont care Im a man damnit". And when my wife calls and asks if I took the garbage out and going to bed early enough to make it to work on time and I said "uhmmm yes honey I am. And Im going to go do some laundry right now. And I love and miss you so much". But the whole time Im saying that to her Im thinking "I dont care Im a man damnit". Yep I am pretty baddass. I keeps it real.

But anyways enough with all my badassness. My Persian's are now 4 weeks old. Not much really to report on. Some gnats decided to make Persia their home though so I had to get all gangster on them and throw some diamotous earth around them. Of course I was in a poppy tea stuppor and forgot that that shit isnt to fun breathing in and had to run out like a school girl. But they seemed to have left cause they couldnt handle my realness. But here are some pictures. Oh the last pic is of about 80 pods worth of seeds. I probably got close to 1000000 seeds out of em.


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are you an opiate addict?
first off, this were right I think, a hole.
As for seeds you can get them alot of places. Im not sure if I can mention places to buy them or not. So if its wrong to metion sellers I apologize. The first seeds I bought were Persian whites off ebay. I bought 100000 seeds for 10 dollars or so. Also Park Seeds is another good one and then They are very cheap compared to weed seeds. I have around 6-7 different strains now. You should only have to buy seeds once if you want to continue growing the same breed. Each pod you grow with have a shit load of seeds inside it that you can get once they die or you cut. Just let the pods dry out and cut the pod open and dump the seeds into a bag or whatever.
great post, thanks for the info. and thanks for the web names, I'm gonna check into it. seems like a great companion plant for Mary Jayne. also, is there a big difference in the opium from each genus?
Thanks for the rep everyone.
you deserve it, and more!
Yes the pod if first found at the top of the plant but as it mature you will start to see more of them further down the plant. As soon as my lights kick on in a hours Ill take a picture of the beginging of another pods so you can see what Im taking about.

For harvesting you can either just let them grow and die and then make tea or you can lance the pods. Lancing the pod means slicing it. To do this if you've never done it before the best method would be to use a razor blade. Hold the pod in one hand(carefull not to bend it from the stem to much or it can break off), and with the other hand hold the razor. Take the corner of the razor and put it on the pod. Then LIGHTLY press the corner of the razor into the pod until you see the opium start to come out. It will look just like milk. Once it starts to come out then keep that depth and SLOWLY and CAREFULLY take the razor blade up the pod or across it(it doesn matter what direction). I personally like going from down to up cause I find it easier to scrape off the pod but thats just me. The trick is is not to go to deep. The poppy pod consists of two layers which the opium is between and all you wanna do is cut the top layer. If you cut the second layer the opium will go into the middle of the pod. So if you make a cut and at first there was opium coming out and then it starts dissapearing well you know youve gone to deep at some popint. If you make a cut and just little pin dots of opium are coming out you'll gone to shallow(scratched the surface) To shallow isnt a big deal. Anyways lance a pod on three sides of it and wait two days between cuts. After making the cuts just let it sit overnight and it will dry up to a reddish brow color. Then take a razor and lick it to use for scrapping th opium. Licking it keeps the opium from sticking to it. Now you have raw opium
awesome info this. how about a syringe...for extraction, not use? think I could slip a needle in there and 'suck' it out??

You are just full of usefull information. I have been following you thread now for a while. Being a recovered Opiate addict I have no intention of growing Poppies for myself to use personaly, none the less I'm going give it a try. If I had this knowledge 5-6 years ago, it would have made Withdrawel and Kicking the Heroin habbit a lot easier I think. Certainly Cheaper. I think there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. I hope its helping you with your condition.
this question is for Island and 2cim: do you think I could vaporize the opium with my vaporizer????
How is the law written in terms of growing poppies in the U.S? I beleive they are legal to grow if you don't slice them, right? Would you say that you prefer the Tea to the Smokable form of raw opium or is just that grinding it is a more affective manner of getting more active compound out of them? How do you know when they are ready for extraction? Will they dry out on there on when they are still on the plant or should I cut them off when I think they are done?
Thanks for the How-to on poppie production.
I know 2cim already answerd ya, but did you know the state flower in California is a poppy? hence, it is illegal to cut them. they are of course planted on most state property, so the property of the state. I'm a citizen, so don't really understand why I couldn't pick some?? they belong to the 'people', I'm a people!?! ROFL
You've got to love Those american soldiers supporting Terrorism. Nothing like some good Afgan Opium. Jk.
ya do know....afghanistan is one of the places indica came from. so, everytime you smoke it, you're supporting terrorism too, LOL
i just ordered my 1st lot of poppy seed after reading this thread and thinking it was time to give this a shot,i got a mixed pack of....hens and chickens,tasmanian,giganteum,persian white,plus mystery pack. 500 seeds in each,totaling 2500 all together.i will be keeping an eye on your posts to pick up any tips and grow info.i will be in tough when my seeds come to pick your brains and to make sure i am doing every thing right.
can you say how much you paid??
and which site did you order from??

This question is for everyone...will they,
any of those sites, ship 'stealth' packaging???
first off, this were right I think, a hole.

great post, thanks for the info. and thanks for the web names, I'm gonna check into it. seems like a great companion plant for Mary Jayne. also, is there a big difference in the opium from each genus?
awesome info this. how about a syringe...for extraction, not use? think I could slip a needle in there and 'suck' it out??

I know 2cim already answerd ya, but did you know the state flower in California is a poppy? hence, it is illegal to cut them. they are of course planted on most state property, so the property of the state. I'm a citizen, so don't really understand why I couldn't pick some?? they belong to the 'people', I'm a people!?! ROFL

ya do know....afghanistan is one of the places indica came from. so, everytime you smoke it, you're supporting terrorism too, LOL

can you say how much you paid??
and which site did you order from??

This question is for everyone...will they,
any of those sites, ship 'stealth' packaging???

I don't see a need for stealth shipping. The seeds are legal to ship to you. Mine came in a small envelope inside another padded envelope. I used But there are many many others outh there.

Vaporizing, I have no Idea if it would work, but maybe...

I guess you could try to use a needle, as long as you had a very small gauge on it, The opium has stuff that would clog up a larger gauge Try a 14 gauge (if you can get one). It wouldn't be nearly as efficient as scraping it thought.

The opium is in a small layer inbetween the shell and the inside of the poppy. if you go in to deep, it wouldn't get anything at all.

I would stick with what works if I were you.

No need for the needle yet.....
Next you'll be ordering some hydrocloric acid and making Heroin out of it.

I paid about 5 bucks for 250 seeds.
I don't see a need for stealth shipping. The seeds are legal to ship to you. Mine came in a small envelope inside another padded envelope. I used But there are many many others outh there.

Vaporizing, I have no Idea if it would work, but maybe...

I guess you could try to use a needle, as long as you had a very small gauge on it, The opium has stuff that would clog up a larger gauge Try a 14 gauge (if you can get one). It wouldn't be nearly as efficient as scraping it thought.

The opium is in a small layer inbetween the shell and the inside of the poppy. if you go in to deep, it wouldn't get anything at all.

I would stick with what works if I were you.

No need for the needle yet.....
Next you'll be ordering some hydrocloric acid and making Heroin out of it.

I paid about 5 bucks for 250 seeds.
kool, thanks for replying. I couldn't wait so checked all those the peony poppy the same...contains opium? I really liked the black was just so kool looking!
jsut asking about the stealth because I live in Japan and their real tight asses here!! lol
for the needle extraction I was thinking about a printer cartridge refill syringe...I'm too scared to use one on myself...I nearly faint when they take blood or give an injection for the flu!!! rofl
anyway, after getting some replies on diff types of poppies, I'll order some...and some herbs and veggies too, that'll throw em off the scent either way!
I really liked Park Seeds cuz the herbs and veggies, but couldn't find anything like in that guys photos...?
commented to have in subscribed list, got ur link off of th other poppy thread, great info both on there and here!
kool, thanks for replying. I couldn't wait so checked all those the peony poppy the same...contains opium? I really liked the black was just so kool looking!
jsut asking about the stealth because I live in Japan and their real tight asses here!! lol
for the needle extraction I was thinking about a printer cartridge refill syringe...I'm too scared to use one on myself...I nearly faint when they take blood or give an injection for the flu!!! rofl
anyway, after getting some replies on diff types of poppies, I'll order some...and some herbs and veggies too, that'll throw em off the scent either way!
I really liked Park Seeds cuz the herbs and veggies, but couldn't find anything like in that guys photos...?

In Japan, If you can buy poppy seeds at the local food store, you can order them from any source legally. Most of the seeds you get at stores are the opium containing poppy seeds anyhow.

The peony poppy, I'm not sure about. I would go with what was mentioned on the first page, thats what I did. The inkjet refill syringe wouldn't work for this. I knew a guy who used one that he "jerry rigged" to shoot up with. Not somthing I would suggest ever doing..

They grow like weeds, there is nothing to it..

Yep its true you can harvest a pod more than once. You can do it a few times just wait a couple days in between so it will produce more potent morphine content. Plus each plant will keep putting out new pods right by where the leaves meet the stem. Some people say they've gotten up to 30 pods off one. I havent gotten that many but I got quite a few. For potency I go with the Persian Whites and even better yet Tasmanian's. Tas's have been bred to produce potent opium for the pharmacology industry. Also some people like Hen's&Chicks which produce one main pod surronded by many little one. If your looking for the biggest pods go with Giganteum's. I have some Tasmainians, and Giganteum's growing right now. Once they mature and start to flower I'll post some pics for you guys to see. Anymore questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help.
so, I ordered from ethnobotanicals because the other two places (territorial and parks) wouldn't ship overseas, and I really did want some veggies and herbs too. I got the supermix poppy seeds, kanna seeds, morning glory seeds and some salvia enhanced extract...I hope it makes it through customs...
so, I ordered from ethnobotanicals because the other two places (territorial and parks) wouldn't ship overseas, and I really did want some veggies and herbs too. I got the supermix poppy seeds, kanna seeds, morning glory seeds and some salvia enhanced extract...I hope it makes it through customs...

I would have stuck with the poppies... I don't think the Salvia is legal in your country..
I would have stuck with the poppies... I don't think the Salvia is legal in your country..
yeah, I don't think it's specifically illegal, atm, but it's on a watch list. a friend of mine ordered some 'legal buds' online. they came through customs, but I think, he said, they were labeled as 'something something' other than herbs. I forget, exactly, but he did get them. I ordered something like it, several years ago...didn't arrive. I emailed the co asking for a refund...they gave it right away, no hassles. so, I'll just hope for good fortune again! ;-) either a successful delivery or a refund.
Well, good luck with that. I don't think it should be legal anyway, it's really understudied and nobody knows what it does to you long term.. But, hopefully it will come for you.
Sorry its been awhile. As soon as my lights kick on in a hour Im going to take some pictures asd give you guys an update. Also I just ordered some new seeds tonight and I will be staring a new grow journal with them as well. These are Coca seeds. I figure what the hell if the DEA comes kicking down my door I will atleast have a good story to tell. I can see the newspaper article already "Local man armed with AK47arrested today growing Heroin, Cocaine, and Marijuana in his residence". Hmmm....maybe not the best idea Ive ever had. But oh well I guess Im doing enough shit wrong whats a little coca growing. Ill make alittle tea with some coca leaves and some poppy pods and have a hell of a good time. Shit I'll be on here writing a friggin' book if I get some coke in me. I havent done that stuff in a long time.