personal trouble with inspiration or diligence


Active Member
i need to know how some people keep the feel of inspiration or diligence toward a goal they have in mind i can never seem to follow though on things i need to do small things are easy but bigger things become hard such as for me finding a job right now iv been looking but after i fill a few applications out and never get any calls back or have a interview and still dont get the job how does one keep going ;/?


Well-Known Member
Good question. I've always thought of it the other way around, how can people just give up after setting a goal for themselves?

Guess it depends on how you look at things.


Well-Known Member
after trying so hard then getting shot down again and again.
But you can't just quit, life doesn't work that way. Every time I'd get shot down it would be telling me there's possibly something that needs to be changed or improved upon, a new goal.


Active Member
But you can't just quit, life doesn't work that way. Every time I'd get shot down it would be telling me there's possibly something that needs to be changed or improved upon, a new goal.
idk i always use to have something to force me get to my goal like a dead line or something now i dont have that and theres no longer a sense or urgency.

no clue

Well-Known Member
You keep trying because there is no alternative. You get one shot at this life. Chin up..never let them see you sweat and all that. There are many who are much less fortunate then we are who have done so much more. Isolate your problems instead of thinking of them as a whole. Sounds like you really need a singleminded about getting one. Other things will fall into place once you do


Well-Known Member
idk i always use to have something to force me get to my goal like a dead line or something now i dont have that and theres no longer a sense or urgency.
Set rewards for yourself for goals accomplished, like not smoking weed till the job's done kinda thing.


Active Member
your all right i need to take the initiative and do it till it happens simple as that i suppose. the only person i have here for me is me no else to do it for me or encourage me. so i guess i got to step up and do it.


Well-Known Member
after trying so hard then getting shot down again and again.
Do not discuss your plans with anyone you can't trust (i.e., someone who will shoot you down). I used to have problems with losing inspiration but it was mostly due to the negativity or expectations of others. I simply stopped telling people my plans and focused on reaching my goals in the comfort of my own space and for my own satisfaction. When you master this, the sky's the limit.


Well-Known Member
get off your ass... if your not moving towards your goals... your stalling them..

Pot is not gonna help ya much if you react lazy too it...


Active Member
your all right i need to take the initiative and do it till it happens simple as that i suppose. the only person i have here for me is me no else to do it for me or encourage me. so i guess i got to step up and do it.
I recently had no job, same situation as yourself. Was almost going out my mind with all the applications and CV dropping. Eventually I took unpayed work experience. This was a life changer. I was then guided onto a course relevant to the company and have since been offered part time work that is payed, with promise of full time work after graduation.

Work exp really opened a door for me and I would urge anyone who is unemployed to consider it. You never know, the person you are working for (for free) might take a liking to you, or see potential in you. A payed job is only a few steps away.


Well-Known Member
Usually when I fail at something it makes me want it that much more. Failure is a supreme motivator if you let it be.


Well-Known Member
your all right i need to take the initiative and do it till it happens simple as that i suppose. the only person i have here for me is me no else to do it for me or encourage me. so i guess i got to step up and do it.
you need to try different avenues... have you tried employment agencies? say like manpower or something? usually hiring for temp postitions that could lead to something perm... I know how difficult it is to stay motivated I didn't have an interview for over a year and a half and then I started to get some but nothing panned out, which was a huge let down. But that didn't stop the world from turning and the sun from rising and setting... I still went to sleep at night and still woke in the morning...
The motivator is knowing that I know I'm good enough.
If you're stuck in your house looking on line all day... try and sit at a coffee shop, get a water and use the free wi-fi... just to get out of the house will make you feel better... go the library and use their computers there to look for work...
After doing your daily job search reward yourself with a fat bowl and a nice meal...

I'm still out of work but I took the initiative to go and get a speciallty license, I'm now a licensed pest control operator (exterminator)... Like I said I don't have a job yet but this is going to open doors for me... Not my dream job but it'll be something... Hell I might end up loving this shit. good lcuk stay high

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
When I stopped smoking weed everyday my output when up considerably. I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but it worked for me.


Well-Known Member
When I stopped smoking weed everyday my output when up considerably. I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but it worked for me.
When I went through graduate school, I totally stopped smoking weed - not a toke for 5 or so years. As a lifelong stoner, I knew my limits and I did not want to risk getting sidetracked or losing my momentum. Needless to say, that dark period of my life is well behind me now :)