pet peeves

maybe if she had a greasy spotty shiny forehead id agree
but i think you would need to feel it to know if its greasy or wet
washed hair that is wet looks greasy you really do not need to have a degree to know this

i think sunni is overstating her abilities to spot greasy hair at 100 paces
although i'm sure she is a fabulous hair stylist
you can clearly see her hair strains are "sticking" to eachother in clumpy areas near the scalp , grease comes from the scalp , than when she turns to right side and its more of the same

Sounds quite technical, you would make a good plumber.

strands sticking to each other, hair products would do this
i'm sure we are all aware grease comes from the scalp

sorry sunni you have not said anything that sounds conclusive to me anyway
you seem to be suggesting water cant make hair strands stick together

i do agree its best to stop the more you explain yourself the more i doubt you
you seem to be getting annoyed because your word has not been accepted at face value
you then go on to insinuate that you are being baited

backs away
Sounds quite technical, you would make a good plumber.

strands sticking to each other, hair products would do this
i'm sure we are all aware grease comes from the scalp

sorry sunni you have not said anything that sounds conclusive to me anyway
you seem to be suggesting water cant make hair strands stick together

i do agree its best to stop the more you explain yourself the more i doubt you
you seem to be getting annoyed because your word has not been accepted at face value
you then go on to insinuate that you are being baited

backs away

No she said that ahe doesn't want to argue
you can tell its greasy because of how the roots are on the left side where her hair is flipped over , you can clearly see her hair strains are "sticking" to eachother in clumpy areas near the scalp , grease comes from the scalp , than when she turns to right side and its more of the same

wet hair literally looks wet , her does not , there are many strains flowing in the wind fromt he car, wet hair doesnt do this its weighted down

anyways im done on the convo of if its greasy or not seems like youre just baiting an argument stupid to argue over this LOL

they have a gel like that which i dont think anyones used since the 1990s LOL

Ha yea you got the time frame right, I won't say when but I was in HS in the 90s lol.
I used it a lot in freshmen year, girls seemed to like it.
Normally had spikeyish hair with it in or had naturally curly hair with it, looked badass, like I got out the shower 24/7.
Not so much anymore, too old for that shit.
Ha yea you got the time frame right, I won't say when but I was in HS in the 90s lol.
I used it a lot in freshmen year, girls seemed to like it.
Normally had spikeyish hair with it in or had naturally curly hair with it, looked badass, like I got out the shower 24/7.
Not so much anymore, too old for that shit.

now you be as bald as
first girl has cover up, drawn in eye brows, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush
so does second
one just does it better , or has better quality make up
not saying first girl isnt pretty, she just looks like she didnt shower and rolled out of bed in last nights make up

I can tell its greasy because well i have a dipolma for hairstyling LOL
I agree. I don't have to have a cosmetology lisence to guarantee her hair is greasy may even be from too much dimethicone based product. But Sunni is right. That's not wet. Just greasy.
I agree. I don't have to have a cosmetology lisence to guarantee her hair is greasy may even be from too much dimethicone based product. But Sunni is right. That's not wet. Just greasy.

Girls just know too much about hair and makeup.
Sucks for guys, no offense to any women on this website.
Women can be ugly, put on makeup and look good.
Guys can be ugly, work out, get a good haircut, put on a good smile, yet still be ugly.

On a kind of related but not related note, can someone tell me how the fuck keeanu reeves never ages and looks like his skin was grown in a lab overnight?
I'm not gay, but hes reaching his 50s, looks like hes in his 20s, and doesn't look like he aged a day since the Matrix released.
Shit not even george clooney beats him in appearance at that age.
He's got a decent moisturizing regiment. Washing your face 2 times a day helps, staying out of direct sunlight, etc etc
He's got a decent moisturizing regiment. Washing your face 2 times a day helps, staying out of direct sunlight, etc etc

I don't know man, I remember in an interview (Might have been part of the skit /shurg) on the colbert report, colbert asked him how does he look so young because he was jealous, Keeanu said he couldn't reveal that information.

Leads me to believe he uses some ancient Chinese secret or some surgery he goes in for on a determined schedule.
Why Chinese? Has anyone ever noticed that Keeanu is no longer in Hollywood? Probably not. He doesn't do hollywood anymore, and hasn't for quite some time. He's more interested in doing indie films and 99% of them have all been in Asian culture. I personally believe Keeanu has adopted the culture and knows secrets that they use, a lot of cultures have "secrets" they use. Whether it be secret cures, medicine, facial masks, healing teas, etc. I just think he adopted the Asian culture, learned secrets from old timers, and has found a way to stay young.

I don't know, I'm jealous, dude got perfect skin.
Lol. Keanu Reeves is about as vapid as they come. A zero with the rim eaten out.

Sorry I may not be with the times or it may just be language not used in my area.

What exactly does "A zero with the rim eaten out" mean?

I'm not gay, but the guy looks good for his age, I'm more jealous of his skin than his looks though. I'd keep my looks with his skin if I had a choice.
Not a common saying for sure. One of my dads expressions. Think about it: a zero with the rim eaten out is less than zero. I never quite got it either :bigjoint:

K. May have great skin but I just can't get past his boring ness