ph drops when added to medium - deficiencies


Im using an all mix medium. aqua mix

Im 4 weeks into flower and started with quite bad deficiencies.
Going down the process of elimnation, to determin the cause.

I always have my nutes going in PH'd spot on.

Today I did a little experiment. I checked the PH of a jug of tap my tap water = 7.0. Then I mixed into the jug, some of the medium mix, and the PH of that mix dropped down to 5.2.

Should I compensate for the drop with my next feed? for example add the nute with a PH of say 8?



Secondly - This is whats going on.

I would greatly appreciate your help - I know there bad and i shouldnt have let them get as bad. Ive been away

This is serious nute burn, right?


Well-Known Member
Not nute burn, but some type of deficiency, which could be from low pH. I'm not too good at diagnosing deficiencies because I rarely see any in my grows beyond nitrogen and then I top dress my soil appropriately.

Try these:

Not knowing enough about your grow, it is hard to say what led to the low pH, but I do believe salt build-up from nutes can be a contributing factor.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2661433View attachment 2661434

Secondly - This is whats going on.

I would greatly appreciate your help - I know there bad and i shouldnt have let them get as bad. Ive been away

This is serious nute burn, right?
I'll go with brotherjericho and say it's a toxicity (salt build-up) flush them puppies w/sum straight tap water, and I do mean flush, if they're in a 5 gal pot, flush with 15 gal water...always flush with 3 times the pot size good luck and welcome to RIU :bigjoint:


Did a serious flush about 6 days ago, when i so it had got out of hand.

Its probably taken until today for them to show a slight sign of recovery.

Ive got 2 kandy kush and 2 cheese in there. In soil/perlite mix (bought from hydro store), and feeding AN jungle juice 3 part. I added a little BIG BUD 2 weeks ago and Id say Its either since then or a coincidence.

The brown cripsy leaves was mainly effecting the Kush. Cheese are quite bullet proof and easier to grow i find. Anyway its seems to have stopped spreading further.

Either way, there now fully flushed and backed way off with nutes - finger crossed!
