Ph of water going into promix HP please help!


Anyone growing in promix hp would be a huge help if i could get some insight on what the ph of my water and feeds should be. Also should i feed nutrients on every water since your supposed to tet run off with ptomix HP?
My last few grows have been in ProMix HP. I mix 2Tbsp of garden lime into it for every gallon of soil. I pH my water to 6.0 - 6.5, only feed about once a week (water, water, feed, repeat), and have had no issues with my plants with this method. When I get in my office I can post a link to a copy of my current grow log spreadsheet to give you an idea of how much and how often I watered and fed my plants.
Thank you for the reply, my plants are already in pots. So im looking to use the promix as is.
That’s fine, the garden lime just really prevents the need to supplement CalMag and helps keep the pH from getting way out of whack. It’s definitely not a necessary amendment.
Without getting into too many details just check the promix by itslef; test the runoff (RO water PH 6.5ish) of a sample over the course of a coupe days you will probably notice it's PH is around 5.8-6 without any additives but the buffer wears out in probably a few months.
Last grow I used pro mix hp ....I used cal.mag with every watering and feed feed feed water feed feed feed .

Was using general organics grow + bloom
Ok thank you. Since im not adding extra lime should i go with a lower ph and promix hp comes with added lime.. im also using gh flora 3 part with no other suppliments. Ive ran promix hp before and did the 6.0-6.5 and had some issues
Ok thank you. Since im not adding extra lime should i go with a lower ph and promix hp comes with added lime.. im also using gh flora 3 part with no other suppliments. Ive ran promix hp before and did the 6.0-6.5 and had some issues
In my experience your nutes should be at 5.8ish and the trick is the ph will fluctuacte between watering so when you water you balance the ph that is fluctuating across a range of nutrients.
ok thanks, thats what ive been doin and they seem to be liking it. Just transplanted to 3 galon fabric pots. Do you use the same ph roughly when your using plain water. And do you go fir runoff every time?
ok thanks, thats what ive been doin and they seem to be liking it. Just transplanted to 3 galon fabric pots. Do you use the same ph roughly when your using plain water. And do you go fir runoff every time?
Plain water is around 6.5, I struggled with that concept too but it's within the ph fluctuation happening in the soil ph .
When you use plain water you are tying to dilute or loosen the nutrients in the soil so unless you sure of your science don't add anything.
I do sometimes add Enzymes and reading that they do a number on the ph and temps so re-apply water or feed within 12 hours.
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The runoff is how you get even spread of water or nutrient solution in your soil.
Soilless hydroponic growers can have plants fry when the roots hit the bottom where nutes have gathered without being washed out.
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Do you think im safe with no extra cal mag if im not using ro water. As the gh flora 3 part has cal and mag in it?
I think it's the other way around-RO water benefits more from CalMag being added.
That depends on strain and your watering solution's contents. I'd say try without unless you see a deficiency or maybe use it later to compare.
I noticed that deficiencies aside, CalMag is recommended in flowering and as a foliar with B-52 before full-on flowering.
Here's my current grow log. The "Nute A/B" I'm using is the Advanced Nutrients Sensi line. Also note that I went with a full dose during flower and it was too much. If you use that line feed it a 2mL/L instead of 2mL/L. If you want a blank version of this to use I can see if I can get it to convert properly to an Excel file. I've built it in Google Sheets, and it has a lot of formulas, so when I save it as an xlsx file the scaling and formulas seem to get messed up.


Pro-mix is easy peasy. I don’t add cal mag and I feed every water. It is forgiving and super easy to work with. The only downside is the serious hit to the environment and carrying all those big ass bail into the basement.

It’s a blank media so you’ll need to start feeding right away. I keep my ph at 6.2
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nurrgle, First time posting and very new at this, your experience is much appreciated. I'm running Promix BX, I'm on day 13 since the seeds sprouted in their 5 gallon air pots (auto fem) so started in their final pot. I fed their first feeding day 8 with 1 gallon RO (divided among the 4 pots), 15ML BigBloom and 2ML MagCal PH'd to 6.2. The Promix just dried out today on day 13 and I gave them PH'd RO water only. You're saying you would have fed them again? Do you ever get salt build up or burn? So far they seem to be looking good, but obviously want to stay ahead of any nutritional deficiencies.
I use the HPCC and the run off system 5.8 is the sweet spot. You can do a full water in between but if you know what your doing and how to read your plants it’s not required.