Ph problems with coco nutes.


Active Member
Hi guys, the ph of my tap water is 7.2. After adding 2.5ml ionic grow to 500ml water with .25ml plant magic +. This leaves my ph at 7.

Can I use to much ph up/down? Same with liquid silicon?

Ill need to change my ph down by 1.1, Making my ph 5.9.

Does ph up/down have any chemicals in it that effect the plant?



Hi, I know it sounds silly but I use a few squirts of lemon juice if my ph is too high. Run it through a siv/filter to make sure it has no particles in it. Works every time for me. Doesn't effect the taste. Don't mess up my tanks. Some people are worried about using ph adjusting chronicles. I am. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine, they make ph up/down for so its not a danger to plants, unless you have to use a cup and a half you should be fine. Good Luck my friend


Active Member
Ill try the lemon juice tomorrow as thats already available, if I have to ill buy ph up/down :) sound


Active Member
I dunno...pyth/grey mold/slime whatever made me paranoid as hell so anything organic that might feed it; well I avoid it (justifed or not)....
that shit GH makes for pH is actually cheap as hell in its own right, even if cheaper alternatives exist...
heck $14 bucks for that orange powder is like a lifetimes supply (my pH is like 9.0ish and like 1/8 tsp drops 10gal down to 5.5)