PH question using GH 3 part in Bubblebuckest


My tap water is a perfect 7.0 out of the faucet. I have regular old bubble buckets and when I add all my nutrients GH full line up the PH never changes even with PH DOWN, but my plants dont seem to care? All my plants have been flowering for two weeks in these tubs and not a single issue and they are flourishing wonderfully with my ph being unknown although im pretty sure its around 6.5-7 based on the ph drops and the dark water from nutes.

Am I okay? What are your experiences with the GH line up and PH stability and where it usually ends up after feeding with 7.0 ph tap water.

Also Should I be using micro hardwater? My water gets no reading on the truncheon but it is tap water.


Well-Known Member
for got to mention . most tap water is just fine. as long as you can drink it the plants will be happy as long as no water soft,ing products are not used. like well water .


Not my question, Im curious as to if anyone knows what the GH line up puts your PH at using 7.0 water using their feeding schedule and whether or not I should be using Micro hardwater with my tap water just because its tap water even though I dont get any ppm reading on it with my truncheon.

EDIT: you responded as I responded