PH question

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
Hey I am new here but I have read in on lots and lots of threads on here. I also have put a little in put here and there when I have been able to. My question is that my ph out of the tap is 6.2. Is this good or no? I am getting ready to start a grow and I am using just regular bag seed for the first run. I have 2 little guys that are under some t8's as we speak. I am gonna run one is soil and one in a waterfarm bucket I made. I am using GH nutes. Still havent got everything for the soil grow just taking it slow. Figured maybe someone here can help me out and point me in the right direction thanks


Well-Known Member
i think one would say to check the run off after you water your plants. then adjust accordingly.

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
i know to check the run off and go from there. But I was wondering if that was a good all around ph to start with to water and to run in the waterfarm

sgt d

Well-Known Member
6.2 is a delightful ph for your water to be, right out of the tap. Be stoked.Yes, you should test your runoff and adjust accordingly, but I think the nutrient systems I'm familiar with (GH and Cutting Edge) would require only very minor adjustment when mixed into water that starts at 6.2.My well water starts out well over 7, and I plow through gallons of down each month. Sounds like you're golden...

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
well thats great to hear. I got my ppm meter today and I checked that an its hovering right round 78 ppms. I have read many threads and I figured I was golden and just to double check with a few people that do know what they r doing. Thanks for the replies