pH solution questions


Active Member
I got a new Hanna pHep Champ pen tester, and was just about to turn it on and calibrate for the first time. What I am wondering is if the 7.0 solution I got with it is the same as the storage solution I need to let it sit in for two hours before calibrating, and the same to store it between uses.
The solution bottle (General Hydroponics 7.0 standard reference solution) says it is for calibration of pH meters and electrode storage, so I assume it is safe for both. I just wanted to make sure I don't need to go buy specific storage solution, or if I can get by solely on the 7.0 solution.
Thanks for the help and +rep for answers :) Also it would help if anyone could give me some pointers on this pen tester, it was impossible to find reviews on it!