Photo-period strains | Summer flowering time outdoors?

Hello, everyone

I have an Em Dawg, Green Crack and Giga Bud outside in pots vegging [using natural sun light]
I was wondering... What time [month] should I bring my plants inside so they wont go into flowering naturally?
To explain better; I don't want my plants to go into vegging and I know it almost the end of summer so should I go off the hours of sun light? Is it the same as indoors? I know for a photo period cannabis plant it needs to get 12/12 light [indoors] but I don't know if it still applys for outdoor cannabis since lighting in is different.
I hope you all see what I'm tring to get at.. I want to grow my cannabis inside just before its time for cannabis outdoors to start flowering, Does anyone know around what month do cannabis start to flower? I'm from the southern tip of Texas and the sun starts to set around 8:30 and starts to rise around 6:40 which that give about 13-14 hours of light [My plants are still in veg mode]. I'll give it about a month before I place my cannabis inside, What do you all think? Any suggestions?
**I would really like to hear from a grower him/herself if possible [Please reply if you grow cannabis]**

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
If you want to take them indoors to flower you could just wait until they show pistils outdoors then take them in.


Active Member
Any reason they can't mature outdoor in your area? Outside to Inside usually ends up in unwanted pests in your growroom
Sorry yall, I was very high when I posted this thread yesterday and now im high af again but the thing is I actually dont want my plants to go into flowering yet since they are so small. I know the natural time to flower is right around the corner so Im alert but Im worried my plants my switch. Do yall know around what month should the plants go into flowering outdoors?
*Im also doing a very detailed grow journal on the 3 strains as well as taking very detailed pictures with the dates so people who are growing the strains I will start growing can know what and how it is before they grow them.
I left a link to my folder that Im uploading the pictures of the Em Dawg, Green Crack and Giga Bud

*I will updataing my files in the folder so expect new pictures every now of then.

*Them Em dawg
Green Crack [Middle] and Giga Bud




Well-Known Member
Im east of u at bout 32 degrees
I have a bog blue kush that just started flowering

But my experience
some of the more indica plants will start
Middle july by first week august there all flowering
Sativas usely start end july. To srcond week of august there all flowering