Photoperiod and lattitude


Well-Known Member
I am doing 2 harvests guys. Thats the plan at least, this one is the cheater harvest. I put the plants outside now and need them to finish before the longest days of summer. I think it will work. I put them under a lamp with 14hrs on out in my greenhouse. The days only get to 14hrs 15min longest day of the year here.

So I just did the switch and am planning on harvest around June.

Then I will put out more plants and harvest in October.

My plants under COBs transiition to full sun easily. Way better than other lamps. Hopefully it is making sense for you guys now. I dont want my plants to reveg as the days get longer. I am hacking it a little using a lamp at beginning and end of day now to keep it 14hrs through this whole flower.
Should have told us that the FIRST post...


Well-Known Member
All of the necessary info was in post one. I dont need pointers about hardening off plants. I was asking about the photoperiods.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 46.7N and when I put my plants out in mid June I put them in full sun with no issues.
I go from 18 hours to a max outside of 15.50 and they start stretching like a banshee!
That's what I want though because I'll have a heavy frost about Sept 6 or 8th.


Well-Known Member
I think Im far enough south, I can probably put plants out any time and they wont reveg. Will do some experiments and see how that works out.


Well-Known Member
Its been 8 days from going from 18hrs to 14hrs of light per day and my plant is now showing female flowers.

Ive got more plants inside under 20/4 and am going to veg those another week or two and drop them outside at 14hrs. If all goes well, I get June weed and October weed.

I could probably even get an August harvest in there.