**PICS** Drooping and Clawing

I have an 11 day old super silver haze that has started to droop and curl. Started with miracle grow under a 27w CFL, just transplanted into 50% miracle grow 40% bonemeal and 10% lime. The drooping started 2 days ago and is starting to get worse.

Pics are days 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and today.

Thanks for input and feedback :leaf:



Well-Known Member
How often are you watering, how long have you been growing, and how many other times have you grown in Miracle Grow? The reason I ask.. the time-release nutes in miracle grow spike the plants every time you water, and is generally why it's not a soil for those newer to cannabis growing.
How often are you watering, how long have you been growing, and how many other times have you grown in Miracle Grow? The reason I ask.. the time-release nutes in miracle grow spike the plants every time you water, and is generally why it's not a soil for those newer to cannabis growing.
Been growing outdoors for 3 years and this is my 2nd time indoors. First time using miracle grow indoors. and yeah i know about the time release nutes, so i take the nute balls out and flood the soil (without the plant) for an hour a few times a day. I water every 2-3 days depending on how much she drinks.


Well-Known Member
Been growing outdoors for 3 years and this is my 2nd time indoors. First time using miracle grow indoors. and yeah i know about the time release nutes, so i take the nute balls out and flood the soil (without the plant) for an hour a few times a day. I water every 2-3 days depending on how much she drinks.
Alrighty, was just making sure we weren't spiking the plants w/MG juice that's causing a bit of burn.. a very slight bit on the tips of the 4th pic - unless it's the way the light is hitting it, or they're actually slightly yellowing.
small cup, time to transplant, transplant to bigger pot, otherwise it looks fine
Just transplanted into a party cup, and I only did that because she was barely filling the styrofoam. I've heard clawing can be from lockout or pH being too high so i put some lime in there. Oh, and I water with 100% natural rainwater so the N might be kind've high..


Well-Known Member
I have an 11 day old super silver haze that has started to droop and curl. Started with miracle grow under a 27w CFL, just transplanted into 50% miracle grow 40% bonemeal and 10% lime. The drooping started 2 days ago and is starting to get worse.
Thanks for input and feedback :leaf:

10% lime and 40% bonemeal is really lot of those ingredients, especially considering the unknown MG soil is already blended.


Well-Known Member
10% lime and 40% bonemeal is really lot of those ingredients, especially considering the unknown MG soil is already blended.
Is why I was looking for signs of P-tox.. most bonemeal is 4-12-0, unless it's steamed.. then it can be 1-13-0 - 1-16-0
Alrighty, was just making sure we weren't spiking the plants w/MG juice that's causing a bit of burn.. a very slight bit on the tips of the 4th pic - unless it's the way the light is hitting it, or they're actually slightly yellowing.
If you're talking about the first set of leaves; thats where she got burnt by the CFL :wall:
10% lime and 40% bonemeal is really lot of those ingredients, especially considering the unknown MG soil is already blended.
Honestly I think I overestimated. haha. it was probably about 70% miracle grow, 15% lime and 15% bonemeal. But I usually do 30% soil 30% perlite and 25% bonemeal and 15% lime.
I was out of perlite so I compensated with soil. BAD IDEA APPARENTLY. Hahaha.


Well-Known Member
If you're talking about the first set of leaves; thats where she got burnt by the CFL :wall:
Alrighty, good to know.. am really surprised I don't see P-tox at all, so I'd say it's mostly balanced, and may just need a lil' time to work through the droop. Does the droop happen with lights off, and then rebounds within a few hours or is it pretty much staying droopy?


Well-Known Member
Is why I was looking for signs of P-tox.. most bonemeal is 4-12-0, unless it's steamed.. then it can be 1-13-0 - 1-16-0
ok let me say it another way. Half of your soil mix is limestone and bonemeal. Do you expect to grow in that? You don't have much soil, mostly slow release hard minerals.
Alrighty, good to know.. am really surprised I don't see P-tox at all, so I'd say it's mostly balanced, and may just need a lil' time to work through the droop. Does the droop happen with lights off, and then rebounds within a few hours or is it pretty much staying droopy?
This grow is basically me starting from scratch after I had to get rid of anything and everything that has to do with growing. So in other words, shes on 24/0 due to no timer. Stays droopy all the time except for about 20 minutes after I water. Both catlyedones died off, so could it be time for nutes?


Well-Known Member
I was initially thinking that based on the bonemeal %, but I'm not seeing any form of chlorosis, older leaves wilting, severe stunting, reddening of areas, or the main stem being the only thing of what we'd consider a 'natural/proper' color.