PICS!! Help my Acapulco Gold Strain is having problems


Well-Known Member
Strains have different nute requirements. Some love alotta fert some don't. Like blueberry can be a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
You might want to also check the ph of your soil.

I think nutrient lockout is the problem waaay more often than defficiency.

If you have been feeding per a labels instruction and you still have signs of defficiency, then most likely it is lockout.

Research runoff ph/ppm testing.

I'm not saying I am sure this is the problem, BUT, if it is, and you start feeding it more, then the problem just gets worse.


Well-Known Member
With the organic nutes it will drop the PH if you havnt got lime in there, Ph being too low will lock out nutes, repot then start using veg hydro nutes every watering , this should keep the PH at 6.5 with no deficiencies. Dont clone untill its back to health or the clone will be sick to.