Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

Hey everyone. As some of you may know, I transferred my babies to 5 gal pots using sunshine #4 & perlite. My old setup was using fox farm ocean forest soil.

I used about 40% perlite to mix with my sunshine #4. So far so good and my babies are greener than ever.

I'm on the end of week 3. Decided to move them over from growing cubes to 5 gal during week 3.

Attached are some pics.



Well-Known Member
They look great. Did you have a problem using FFoF soil in the past? I am using that in my current grow and have no problems at all.
They look great. Did you have a problem using FFoF soil in the past? I am using that in my current grow and have no problems at all.
I think it was cost that played a factor the most. I need 10 FFoF bags, at $20/bag can get hefty. Also, I suffered a lot of nute burn. Mainly because I am still a beginner, and adding my nutes + nutes already in the soil maybe harmed it. I just want to do it differently this time around. The Sunshine #4 + perlite has no nutes in it. And if I follow my nute program, I should be ok. I am ending week 3 in veg and so far so good.


Active Member
Looks great !!! I have a question for you ,How much water/food do you give the girls each time ,how often do you water/feed them?and do you drench the soil every water/feeding ? thanks Cajun
Looks great !!! I have a question for you ,How much water/food do you give the girls each time ,how often do you water/feed them?and do you drench the soil every water/feeding ? thanks Cajun
I water them when they start to get dry. I usually stick my finger in there and feel on the medium to see if its moist or getting dry, but it ends up being once a week. I water them using 50% or 75% strength of the recommended nutrients. I also spray them every 4 days with the fan off. Let it sit for about 30-40 mins, then turn the fans back on.

I usually dump the water in there til the water reaches about 1/2 inch off the top (remember, I'm using 5 gallons).