Picture Charts: How far to keep your lights from your plants.


Well-Known Member
I have seen these charts before. The moral of the story is that at 3 ft away, you are only getting 10% of the lumens your light can pump out. 90% isn't making that far.

Seems to me that there are practical consequences if I have been understanding right.

Since light degradation as distance increases is exponential, but power consumption (watts) is linear, smaller bulbs closer to plants might be more energy efficient than bigger hotter bulbs farther away.

Also, no matter how much wattage you're using, any plant matter more than 3 ft. away is getting a dwindling amount of light relative to the top.

This is why I think LST and flowering early is the way to go regardless of the size of the light.


Well-Known Member
How close do people keep their lights?

The best I can do with my 1k hps's is 15 inches. 12 if I feel lucky but too long will burn 'em.